Not even being sarcastic. That would be every Pastel Unicorns fan’s dream.
Or heck one that let’s you see yourself in anime or gargoyle form:-). And honestly wasn’t even trying to make a reference to the Gargoyles episode The Mirror either.
My sister has a magic mirrorHidden on a bathroom wall& it has never told the truthNo never not at allWe jostle in the morning To oogle & to stareAt what that magic mirrorLies that isn’t really there
something something about everyone’s pimple, wrinkles, grey hair vanished.
I’d steal that magic mirror& keep it safe for meIf the people out my windowCouldn’t see what it won’t see.
Averagemoe about 4 years ago
I found a way to lose weight. I got a scale that lies.
Sugar Bombs 95 about 4 years ago
Is this a callback to the storyline where Phoebe was reading the book and Marigold pictures Phoebe as a unicorn?
Antiyonder about 4 years ago
Not even being sarcastic. That would be every Pastel Unicorns fan’s dream.
Or heck one that let’s you see yourself in anime or gargoyle form:-). And honestly wasn’t even trying to make a reference to the Gargoyles episode The Mirror either.
droosan Premium Member about 4 years ago
Now Marigold can throw a rock at Phoebe’s head, and the circle will be complete.
Templo S.U.D. about 4 years ago
well, mer ry Chrismtas to all fans of Phoebe Grizelda Howell and Marigold Heavenly Nostrils
codycab about 4 years ago
Merry Christmas and happy Hearths warming eve! I’m going to see if I can find one of those mirrors. Searching C’mon Craigslist!
tudza Premium Member about 4 years ago
Regular hair? Remember the mane!
Kwen about 4 years ago
You remind me of a Moomin like this.
kaykeyser about 4 years ago
the perfect gift for every one. just to see what each looks like as a unicorn.
bopard about 4 years ago
My sister has a magic mirrorHidden on a bathroom wall& it has never told the truthNo never not at allWe jostle in the morning To oogle & to stareAt what that magic mirrorLies that isn’t really there
something something about everyone’s pimple, wrinkles, grey hair vanished.
I’d steal that magic mirror& keep it safe for meIf the people out my windowCouldn’t see what it won’t see.
bopard about 4 years ago
Dana- ? shouldn’t PHE unicorn avatar have a very dark muzzle and mane over blue tick pattern w/freckle marks near nose instead of under eyes?
Antiyonder about 4 years ago
Yep. Merry Christmas to Dana and the fellow fans.
MollyGirl about 4 years ago
It’s a UNIMIRROR!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, it was the first thing that popped into my head for some reason.
The Reader Premium Member about 4 years ago
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the Phoebest of them all?
mistie710 about 4 years ago
Yay! Phoebecorn!
308ster about 4 years ago
Such a thoughtful and wonderful gift. Merry Christmas Phoebe, Marigold and Dana.
salenstormwing about 4 years ago
Okay, that’s a unique gift that only a unicorn could give. I like it.
Aladar30 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Beautiful gift.
ocarol7 Premium Member about 4 years ago
Happy Unicornus, Everyone!
Bradley Walker about 4 years ago
Merry Chalica!
Happy Humanlight!
Tolerable Festivus!
raybarb44 about 4 years ago
OK, you gotta admit that’s very cool…..
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 4 years ago
I hope this works on other people and Phoebe goes to test this out.
JadyngerbilWong about 4 years ago
I would like that mirror, please
asrialfeeple about 4 years ago
Phoebe is VERY VERY cute as a unicorn!! And this is just the face.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 4 years ago
Now that is interesting.
Stephen Gilberg about 4 years ago
I kinda want a full-length version.
NyahNyahNyah about 4 years ago
[ ✨❤️✨ ] Love™
jerrica.benton333 over 3 years ago
phoebe makes for a creepy lookin unicorn
Kark_The_Red_Canadian_Dragon 7 months ago
(GASP) OH MY GOODNESS! Well, we all wanted to see what she’d look like as a unicorn; I guess our wish has just been granted! :D