To be fair I’m not a particular fan of postal ballots either, but I recognise my objections are fairly specific and they may be better than many of the alternatives.
Thing is, he actually didn’t want to be President, at least at first. (That’s why he had no victory speech, and no team ready to take over.) Originally he just wanted to raise his profile and up his price for The Apprentice. When he realized he might actually get the nomination he really pulled out the stops and acted just as outrageously as he could, which made him stand out from the other GOP candidates. And don’t forget he never won the popular vote; a majority of voters never chose him.
Of course, the 2020 election was a lot closer than many would have liked. But at least his popularity has continued to plummet since.
B UTTONS almost 4 years ago
Took a lesson from the Congressional members. Get elected. Do nothing but create chaos. Get paid by taxpayers as if you did something good.
Oh. The last step, he did not accept the salary for the President so he did everything without payment.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 4 years ago
To be fair I’m not a particular fan of postal ballots either, but I recognise my objections are fairly specific and they may be better than many of the alternatives.
Durak Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Sorry Bunny, you need editing.
It’s not, “He wanted to BE president SO badly”.
What Trump meant was “He wanted TO president badly”.
Doctor Toon almost 4 years ago
Trump pulled me out of the closet on politics
Before, I mostly kept my views to myself and kept politics out of my comments
I could not fail to speak out against him
With luck, I can go back to being non-political again
Nyckname almost 4 years ago
Which is what he did with his ballot in November, even though he can’t legally use Mar-a-Lardo as a home.
Bradley Walker almost 4 years ago
Thing is, he actually didn’t want to be President, at least at first. (That’s why he had no victory speech, and no team ready to take over.) Originally he just wanted to raise his profile and up his price for The Apprentice. When he realized he might actually get the nomination he really pulled out the stops and acted just as outrageously as he could, which made him stand out from the other GOP candidates. And don’t forget he never won the popular vote; a majority of voters never chose him.
Of course, the 2020 election was a lot closer than many would have liked. But at least his popularity has continued to plummet since.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 4 years ago
Even though that is how Trump voted, mailed it in. And illegally since he wasn’t a Floridian yet.