Real Life Adventures by Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich for March 23, 2021

  1. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    So this isn’t a new dance, then?

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    Owhatadoc Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    I used Apple pay to buy my daughter’s gift from her to give to my wife— the date snuck up on me. :^/

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    RonnieAThompson Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Why does he need a scarf and purse? Just askin’. Have a Covid free day my friends.

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    admiree2  almost 4 years ago

    She must have gotten her business acumen from her mother. She’s cornered the market within the household and seems to have a monopoly on certain days.

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    mistercatworks  almost 4 years ago

    Just sell him the scarf.

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    raybarb44  almost 4 years ago

    Give her flowers and take her out, just the two of you, for a lunch or dinner. If that’s too much work, get her a nice pair of earrings….

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    WCraft Premium Member almost 4 years ago

    Two words: Gift Card

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    christelisbetty  almost 4 years ago

    Back when, the thing to do was,when you gave a wallet or purse as a gift, you’d put a penny in it to “ensure it was never empty”. A gift card in it’s own little package could be an adjustment for inflation.Of course if he could think that far ahead, he wouldn’t have this problem.

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