“By your agreement to these terms and conditions, we acquire a perpetual, non-exclusive right to use all content which you create, edit or distribute using this software, in any digital or analog format, including images, text or video, on tapes, CD-ROM, disk, cloud storage, or any other medium existing today or created in the future. You further agree that there shall be no further licensing or royalty payments required for us to use the content in any manner which we see fit, including sale of rights to third parties and collection of royalties, in any media existing today or invented in the future.”
Think that’s bad? I haven’t even gotten to the part about binding arbitration yet.
FreihEitner Premium Member over 3 years ago
I would be disturbed to find that Brewster had the legal right to give away Earth.
therese_callahan2002 over 3 years ago
Forty years ago, when I was in the high school chorus, I sang a song called “Earth Is The Lord’s.”
Doug K over 3 years ago
They also thought that they owned the Brooklyn Bridge.
Gent over 3 years ago
Ha ha. The joke’s on you, aliens. Brewster has no authority on sole ownership of earth.
overtherainbow over 3 years ago
Paraphrasing Lisa Simpson: “Oh, great, Brewster, now we’re all slaves.”
Bilan over 3 years ago
Dirk will be quite p-o-ed that somebody got Earth before him.
blakerl over 3 years ago
That Russian guy who invented Tetris, must own most of California.
WCraft Premium Member over 3 years ago
What goes around comes around. I believe we did the same thing with the American Indians.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 3 years ago
Well, the BEMS are certainly welcome to certain portions…
Another Take over 3 years ago
Wait till the aliens see what they ended up with. Poor bast*rds.
InquireWithin over 3 years ago
“By your agreement to these terms and conditions, we acquire a perpetual, non-exclusive right to use all content which you create, edit or distribute using this software, in any digital or analog format, including images, text or video, on tapes, CD-ROM, disk, cloud storage, or any other medium existing today or created in the future. You further agree that there shall be no further licensing or royalty payments required for us to use the content in any manner which we see fit, including sale of rights to third parties and collection of royalties, in any media existing today or invented in the future.”
Think that’s bad? I haven’t even gotten to the part about binding arbitration yet.
bakana over 3 years ago
Brewster is just lucky it wasn’t a Micro$oft EULA.
He’d now owe them his firstborn and have a 15 month deadline for Delivery.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 3 years ago
Pretty hefty upkeep expenses involved….
Ceeg22 Premium Member over 3 years ago
He’s right, no one reads them