It is the American dream to become wealthy enough to escape the tyranny of taxes used for wars wasting the lives and resources of our country without gain or result.
Indeed it was this very desire that led the Founders to create this great nation to stop demands for taxes to pay for royal family feuds and state sponsored churches demanding feed at the trough. When is corruption and naked statues and paintings on the ceiling too much?
His logic is sound. However, our Founding Fathers never envisioned the massive expenditures on Social Services that we spend today through our congressional “representatives” that “authorized” these spendings of monies we don’t have. Those expenditures will burden not only us, but also our great grandchildren and beyond. Sorry to burst your bubble, so open your wallet…..,
PoodleGroomer over 3 years ago
It is the American dream to become wealthy enough to escape the tyranny of taxes used for wars wasting the lives and resources of our country without gain or result.
Indeed it was this very desire that led the Founders to create this great nation to stop demands for taxes to pay for royal family feuds and state sponsored churches demanding feed at the trough. When is corruption and naked statues and paintings on the ceiling too much?
Pickled Pete over 3 years ago
treutvid over 3 years ago
Tax the corporations, they’ll never pass those taxes on to the peasant consumers!
Nyckname over 3 years ago
And since the vast number of people will never have a multi-million dollar idea, they don’t want their lottery winnings taxed.
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
What a Patriot!
raybarb44 over 3 years ago
His logic is sound. However, our Founding Fathers never envisioned the massive expenditures on Social Services that we spend today through our congressional “representatives” that “authorized” these spendings of monies we don’t have. Those expenditures will burden not only us, but also our great grandchildren and beyond. Sorry to burst your bubble, so open your wallet…..,
curtlyon19 over 3 years ago
I agree with him!
sobrown51 over 3 years ago
Wouldn’t that be “representation without taxation” ?