“I’m secretly in charge of this ‘terrorist’ operation. The university cut off my funding and I decided holding myself for ransom was the best way to get more.”
That’s the latrine tent and professor what’s-his-name is in the middle of taking a huge dump! This will take awhile, too much spicy desert food last night and no toilet paper either….. Where’s Mr. Gent when we really need him?
Thomas over 2 years ago
Stockholm syndrome?
meg_grif over 2 years ago
Aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?
BigDaveGlass over 2 years ago
He hasn’t finished his breakfast yet………
LawrenceS over 2 years ago
“I’m secretly in charge of this ‘terrorist’ operation. The university cut off my funding and I decided holding myself for ransom was the best way to get more.”
tripwire45 over 2 years ago
Silent except for the “ripppp” sound of cutting the tent with a knife.
Old Comic Strip Lover over 2 years ago
How many terrorists can there be? Tarzan could have taken them out one by one if he was really that stealthy.
hablano over 2 years ago
I’m agoraphobic and can’t leave the tent…
profkatz over 2 years ago
That’s the latrine tent and professor what’s-his-name is in the middle of taking a huge dump! This will take awhile, too much spicy desert food last night and no toilet paper either….. Where’s Mr. Gent when we really need him?
Out of the Past over 2 years ago
Tarzan rips another one.
anomaly over 2 years ago
“But—But I can’t leave. The pasta water just started to boil and I haven’t finished making the salad.”
prrdh over 2 years ago
“My very chains and I grew friends.”