Just wondering how the Mahars or Sagoths knew Innes had it? The book was gone. There were three escaped slaves. How did they know the escaped slaves had anything to do with it? (Looked like a pretty clean get-away.) And they’re pretty sure here it was Innes who had it.
BigDaveGlass over 2 years ago
Good thinking, and then you’ll never know where the book is. You, my friend, need to wake up and have your breakfast…..
LawrenceS over 2 years ago
Just wondering how the Mahars or Sagoths knew Innes had it? The book was gone. There were three escaped slaves. How did they know the escaped slaves had anything to do with it? (Looked like a pretty clean get-away.) And they’re pretty sure here it was Innes who had it.
Thomas over 2 years ago
The secret book – does the sagoth refer to the book Innes stole in Russ Manning’s comics? See https://www.gocomics.com/tarzan/2021/08/12
scpandich over 2 years ago
“Until you agree to return the book,” the Sagoth growled, “you remain here, never knowing when you will be placed on that table!”
“I’m guessing it won’t be before I return the book.”
The Sagoth’s thick brow knotted in thought. “Dang it…”
Old Comic Strip Lover over 2 years ago
It’s a secret book but everyone seems to know about it. Some secret.
Polsixe over 2 years ago
Mahars just like to cut up humans like some kids did with frogs. Some, not all…
Galimatias over 2 years ago
Will we ever learn the Mahar’s secret method? Can it be discussed in public?
prrdh over 2 years ago
So…without the Book on the proper shelf, the Mahars’ mind control doesn’t work either?
Gent over 2 years ago
Fortunately for Innes, them mahars’ were yet to discover the old bamboo sticks under the fingernails torture trick.
Out of the Past over 2 years ago
That looks like the doctor that did my surgery.
Sisyphos over 2 years ago
Oh, just go ahead and do it now, Sagoth! Please put us out ot this misery….