Tarzan by Edgar Rice Burroughs for July 11, 2022

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  over 2 years ago

    We remember. We even remember things that never happened.

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    Emile Schwarz  over 2 years ago

    Wlad: repeat after me “I will not attack Ukraine"

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 2 years ago

    Those who cannot remember which day is Sunday are condemned to repeat it on Monday.

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  4. Snake on a hat 2003
    BigDaveGlass  over 2 years ago

    The facade of civilization soon drops…….

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    Polsixe  over 2 years ago

    Tarzan can kill a male adult lion but he can’t stop a couple of men from fighting ? Oh well, bury them on the spot so someone else can find them 10,000 years later.

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  6. Test01b
    LawrenceS  over 2 years ago

    Let me see… A crazed maniac is running at one of your dig workers with a knife – and you shout at the dig worker not defend himself? Does that make sense?

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    Old Comic Strip Lover  over 2 years ago

    Well, to be fair, I don’t think Oneka and the terrorist remembered that first killing. They weren’t there since it happened long ago.

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    Out of the Past  over 2 years ago

    When we left this story a week ago, Oneka was twisting the knife out of the guy’s grip and pushing him to the ground, all one handed while holding a pickax, with Tarzan inches away. Now they’re both dead. Even if one died off stage, which is inexplicable, how could they both be dead?

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    walt1968pat Premium Member over 2 years ago

    You might at least give credit for the quote about remembering the past by George Santayna.

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    Realimaginary1 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    There is nothing I can do except pose, as was the case in the final frame of last week’s strip.

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    prrdh  over 2 years ago

    Plus ça change…

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  12. The wanderer
    anomaly  over 2 years ago

    Those that cannot remember the past are condemned to reinvent it.

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    profkatz  over 2 years ago

    All’s well that ends well….terrible story, let’s not repeat it~!

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 2 years ago

    Dead and dead and moralizing.

    There is nothing I can do about this strip.

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