Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for July 14, 2021

  1. Komi 0001
    AnyFace  over 3 years ago
    … if you’re familiar with the “Tom Corbett” series, yes. ✨
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  2. Large tmdic190127 straightedge trustworthy
    Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray  over 3 years ago

    Joel looks real good and dignified in P. 1. That engenders in me a measure of pride and respect to see that. and Rufus aint overly doofy today.

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  3. Downloadfile
    Guilty Bystander  over 3 years ago

    “That’s simple?” says the guy wearing a colander on his head. I seem to be one of the few people here who actually like Rufus and Joel but if Rufus was any thicker, he could be poured out of a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth’s.

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  4. Lumandabnetar
    Donnie Pitchford Premium Member over 3 years ago

    I always enjoy Mr. Scancerelli’s references to Old Time Radio!

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  5. 196261
    SofaKing Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Fact: You can wear a colander on your head for a drivers license photo in many states, as religious headwear. I’m an ordained Pastafarian minister.

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  6. Imag0020
    PuppyPapa  over 3 years ago

    HA! I tipped y’all off on that WEEKS ago!

    Weeks? Maybe. SEEMS like this story has been running for weeks.

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