I’ve coined a few words in my day. My current favorite is bundluppier, which describes the one of my two winter coats that provides better protection against the elements on a bitterly cold or very snowy day. (I’ll leave it to any interested parties to do the etymology.)
Coining a word is the easy part; the bigger challenge is getting people to use it, so it becomes part of the language. Only my wife and I know about this one.
Jeff0811 over 3 years ago
They better stop now before they get into a kerfuffle.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 3 years ago
No word exists until someone creates it, you grok?
Contributions such as those of Agnes and Heinlein are often underjudhygired.
And where would we be without our waldoes (waldoes?)? Or the field of robotics without Asimov and Capek?
gopher gofer over 3 years ago
if she were any more ganvoltifiedio she’d be slartibartfasticious…
wongo over 3 years ago
The whole conversation leaves me transmogrified.
Michael G. over 3 years ago
Where would language be without neologisms? Exfigurated, by gum!
ChessPirate over 3 years ago
Oh, it’s all too pendigestatory…
i_am_the_jam over 3 years ago
This is one big joojooflop situation.
bobbyferrel over 3 years ago
Your mother was a hamster. Your father smelled of elderberries. Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.
christelisbetty over 3 years ago
Let her go Trout, she’s on a roll. This is a lot less dangerous than her dumpster diving.
Doctor Toon over 3 years ago
I’m so fluent in gibberish that I can speak several dialects of it
the lost wizard over 3 years ago
A fine selection of gobbledygook.
paullp Premium Member over 3 years ago
I’ve coined a few words in my day. My current favorite is bundluppier, which describes the one of my two winter coats that provides better protection against the elements on a bitterly cold or very snowy day. (I’ll leave it to any interested parties to do the etymology.)
Coining a word is the easy part; the bigger challenge is getting people to use it, so it becomes part of the language. Only my wife and I know about this one.
For further ideas on this topic, google Frindle.
mfrasca over 3 years ago
Are Agnes and Trout a granfalloon?
Martin Booda over 3 years ago
I’m anaspeptic, phrasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused you such pericombobulation. (OK, let’s see who knows what that’s from.)
SofaKing Premium Member over 3 years ago
Perfectly cromulent words.