Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for December 29, 2023

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    Cpeckbourlioux  11 months ago

    The G is pronounced like softly clearing your throat. In 1987 I was given permission to record my improvisations in front of the paintings in the Amsterdam Van Gogh museum. Vibraphone and three flutes, recording engineer and assistant director of the museum, on successive Mondays when the museum was closed to the public. The resulting album, “Impressions of Van Gogh” , was used on Dutch tv, is in the museum archives, also a few museums in Tokyo and Kyoto, as part of a trip I took to promote the lp. Playing, improvising to the colors and brush strokes, you can imagine, ranks among the best experiences of my life. Van-sahnt van Ghhoch.

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    Love the Funnies  11 months ago

    I believe this is the exhibition Richard Thompson was referencing. It was a wonderful exhibition! Still have a poster and the catalog.

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    TurbosDad  11 months ago

    Just like they have elephant ear snacks at the fair they could have van Gogh ears…

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    Sisyphos  11 months ago

    We mourn the Genius that is Van Gone from us! The world needs more Richard!

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    donut reply  11 months ago

    Wow! If they only taught painting lie that in art school.

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