Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for August 30, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 3 years ago

    Methinks Andy never had any nature at all.

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  2. Zooey girl
    ronaldspence  over 3 years ago

    Sorry guys, Andy is so broke he cannot even pay attention!

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  3. Noodleman 2  2
    Cornelius Noodleman  over 3 years ago

    I bet Al Capone could have gotten him to pay up…Or Else!

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    AFFICIONADO  over 3 years ago

    @Number Three Today’s strip IS funny, the debt and loan collectors and loan collectors are trying to draw blood from a stone, our hero Mr Andrew Capp always welshes on his debts :o) my avatar is a spoof about a toothbrush complaining that his job is the worst while the TP puts him in perspective so we must be content with our lot, others may be worst off, how was your day? our Manic Monday should be busy as usual but we should cope I hope Connie has already done our bulk shopping ,we both are in fairly good mood but we are staying inside the house because of the heat wave and keep hydrated, keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady

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    littlejohn Premium Member over 3 years ago

    It’s in Andy’s better nature to sleep on it. Than say No.

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    pcolli  over 3 years ago

    But he does have a betting nature.

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    cubswin2016  over 3 years ago

    It would be easier trying to get blood from a turnip.

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  8. Atheism 007
    Michael G.  over 3 years ago

    Wasn’t he in the can yesterday?

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    nicka93  over 3 years ago

    If you have nothing they get nothing, they were ill advised to lend him anything.

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  10. Saint
    -Saint-  over 3 years ago

    From Affie @Number Three:" Today’s strip IS funny, the debt and loan collectors and loan collectors are trying to draw blood from a stone, our hero Mr Andrew Capp always welshes on his debts :o) my avatar is a spoof about a toothbrush complaining that his job is the worst while the TP puts him in perspective so we must be content with our lot, others may be worst off, how was your day? our Manic Monday should be busy as usual but we should cope I hope Connie has already done our bulk shopping ,we both are in fairly good mood but we are staying inside the house because of the heat wave and keep hydrated, keep safe and thanks for caring young Lady"

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    rshive  over 3 years ago

    That guy’s still asleep.

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    tcayer  over 3 years ago

    These loan companies are the ones who are fools. Who would loan money to a guy who doesn’t work?

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    CorkLock  over 3 years ago

    Use ctrl and + to enlarge frame. Ctrl and – reduces. ctrl and 0 back to default.

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  14. Santa refueling
    Sportymonk  over 3 years ago

    Quit loaning him money and evict him. Rentals and loans are businesses, not charities. Cut your losses and learn from them.

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  15. Wolf
    Mediatech  over 3 years ago

    If you were dumb enough to lend Andy money, you deserve what you get.

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  16. Stinker
    cuzinron47  over 3 years ago

    The loan guy should help out the debt guy.

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  17. Klingon crest a
    Scott S  over 3 years ago

    “He did pay up. Unfortunately for you he can’t pay you now!”

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  18. Vietnam vet
    hk Premium Member over 3 years ago

    Evict him.

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  19. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 3 years ago

    Andy does have two natures:

    A bad one and an even worse one. Haha.


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  20. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  over 3 years ago


    TP definitely has the worst job. The toothbrush has it easy. I’m not sure if you are familiar with the cartoon “Beavis & Butthead” but Beavis has an alter ego named “Cornholio” and he always needs TP for his bunghole.

    I think I told you a couple of times that on Family Guy they made a Flintstones reference and the guy was taking a dump in the pelican’s mouth. He turns to the camera and says “You think YOU have a crap job?”

    I wasn’t at my volunteering today as it was a Bank Holiday, I’m back on Wednesday. And I am meeting with a friend on Friday. It’s not the same one who bought me a drink on Tuesday. I have 3 guy friends. One of them is fairly new.

    Stay safe, stay well, stay cool and stay happy, pal. Hope you had a lovely weekend.

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    tad1  over 3 years ago

    Maybe he should have tried appealing to his worse nature instead.

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    paullp Premium Member over 3 years ago

    His bettor nature long ago conquered any better nature he might have had.

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    Sherlock5  10 months ago

    What Andy lacks in industriousness, fiscal responsibility, sobriety, honesty, and integrity, he makes up for in… in… never mind.

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