F Minus by Tony Carrillo for October 03, 2021

  1. Peppermint
    Sir Ruddy Blighter, Jr.  about 3 years ago

    Wait, whatever happened to the “murder hornets” that were supposed to get us before COVID could get us?

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  2. Coyote
    eromlig  about 3 years ago

    If I were the passenger, I’d be glad that wasp isn’t up front with the driver.

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  3. Missing large
    momofalex7  about 3 years ago

    Roll down the window and shoo it out.

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  4. A common  tater
    A Common 'tator  about 3 years ago

    I wish I’d read the caption before I tried scraping the speck of dirt off my computer screen…

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  5. Out little avatar
    dadoctah  about 3 years ago

    How “scary”? Probably about a three. How “disturbing”? More like an eight.

    I had one get into the kitchen one day when I was about to make a sandwich and pull up a seat on an adjacent counter to watch me do it. Like “don’t mind me, I’m just chillin’.”

    Knowing that they release a chemical if they’re injured that brings all the other wasps in the area in attack mode, I let him watch, and then turned a cup upside-down over him to trap him unharmed. Figured I’d find a way to dispose of him later that wouldn’t call out the troops.

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  6. New jaguar anim 200x200
    i_am_the_jam  about 3 years ago

    That doesn’t look like a wasp.

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  7. Tulips
    locake  about 3 years ago

    Outside it is a 1, inside the car it is a 10.

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  8. Olympus 004
    John9  about 3 years ago

    For me it depends on the time of year and which ones. I have been stung by many kind and what I hate is the little Fu@#&*$ can keep stinging and travel in groups especially if you kill one of them. I try to keep my spray bottle of soapy water handy.

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