Heart of the City by Steenz for October 18, 1999
Heart: Mom, I getting out of the tub now! Mom: Did you have a nice soak, Baby? Heart: You know, Mom, I could enjoy my bath a whole heck of a lot more if it weren't so closely followed by the ultimate in stomach-churning pain. Mom: Now, don't start with me, Heart..I've got a new detangler to try.
Yakety Sax over 4 years ago
The Guinea Pig: Episode 20
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Will that brush survive?
lindz.coop Premium Member over 2 years ago
My childhood with curly hair (and no baby shampoo or conditioner).
12515527 5 months ago
The perils of curly hair… not only does it take hours it’s also super painful lol