Lisa Benson for November 02, 2021

  1. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 2 years ago

    That all depends on who you poll. Groups like Fox and the RNC are very careful to only choose those who are going to give them the answer they want to hear.

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  2. Triumph
    Daeder  over 2 years ago

    This is Lisa’s way of echoing her Qult Leader’s “Many people agree with me…” line.

    Wrong direction in what sense? And for how long?

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    Concretionist  over 2 years ago

    This is one of the reasons that opinion polls are useless except when you’re trying to influence pol iticians.

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    suv2000  over 2 years ago

    Once again Lisa is correct in her interpretation of Uncle Joe now for you Trump lovers to come out and tell me how wrong I am

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    GOGOPOWERANGERS  over 2 years ago

    So what do you want Lisa?

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    rip_marco  over 2 years ago

    “The poll found that 71 percent of respondents felt the U.S. was “off on the wrong track.” Only 22 percent said the U.S. was headed in the right direction."

    The lack of specificity in the question leaves it open to a myriad of interpretations. Many on the left would say it is the rapidly growing threat of domestic terrorism (e.g. those threatening school board members because of mask mandates, etc.). Many on the right would say it is the threat to much of what they hold sacred. So every person polled may have had differing understandings of the question and may very well have diametrically opposed perspectives. The only thing to take away from this “news” is that there is a serious lack of critical thinking in our country; if we were a nation of critical thinking this poll result would have been considered and then quickly thrown onto the trash heap of irrelevance.

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    Count Olaf Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Let’s Go, Brandon

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    gammaguy  over 2 years ago

    Both the polled and the pollsters all seem to be headed in the wrong direction — and always have been, — in assuming that one particular “direction” is proper for all issues.

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    The Nodding Head  over 2 years ago

    Look at the history of that poll question and see how often a majority of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction.

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    Teto85 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Personally, we need to go further in the direction of the Progressives and join the civilised world with national health and paid maternal leave and other such programs. Just that’s just my humble opinion.

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    Vidrinath Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Lisa, the majority has thought the country was headed in the wrong direction for the last 5 years. You are only noticing this now?

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    BB71  over 2 years ago

    Truer words were never spoken.

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    BB71  over 2 years ago

    Without fossil fuels, we would be naked, starving and cold.

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    Alberta Oil Premium Member over 2 years ago

    With republicans saying no, like two year olds to everything.. it’s little wonder things are going in the wrong direction.

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    ChristopherBurns  over 2 years ago

    They said the same thing under Trump.

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    librarylady59  over 2 years ago

    Former President Donald Trump ended his presidency more unpopular than any of the last 12 presidents at the end of their first terms and he is still unpopular post-presidency according to FiveThirtyEight’s new average of Trump’s favorability numbers. Currently, 41.4 percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the former president, while 53 percent have an unfavorable opinion of him. –

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    StackableContainers  over 2 years ago

    Majority of American adults are taking their lives in the wrong direction…so they are very qualified to answer these polls.

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    Aliquid  over 2 years ago

    When was the last time that the majority of adults thought otherwise?

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    cbgoldeneagle2  over 2 years ago

    Sheep will be Sheep just keep your head in the sand!!!

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Here is an example of why it’s going off the rails, idiots like Juan who are totally off the mark but spew this bull for ratings. The MSM needs to be abolished. Juan Williams argued that the phrase “parent’s rights” has become a “rallying cry” for parents who are trying to “stop classroom discussion of Black Lives Matter protests or slavery because it could upset some children, especially white children who might feel guilt.”Williams also defended a Sept. 29 letter by the National School Boards Association to the White House and the Department of Justice that said parents protesting at school board meetings were “domestic terrorists.”Williams said the NSBA “pleaded with the Biden administration in a September letter to use federal law enforcement to protect school board members from threats of violence and other forms of bullying.”The NSBA letter prompted a backlash that led a number of state school boards associations to cut ties with the national organization. The NSBA eventually apologized for the letter — but not before Attorney General Merrick Garland had established an FBI-DOJ task force aimed at investigating the NSBA’s complaints.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Here’s another reason:Camp of the Saints is no longer fiction. The Biden administration has made it reality along the U.S.-Mexico border. Right before our eyes, the government of the United States is deciding that, in fact, the United States doesn’t really exist at all.The thesis of The Camp of the Saints is simple: That the very traits that made the West so successful and so widely-imitated would eventually be its undoing. The West’s openness and egalitarianism led to widespread prosperity. But those same moral sensibilities, Raspail argues, mean that while the West could easily vanquish a normal military threat, it will be politically unable to justify its own success. If the impoverished, backwards masses of the Third World demand the wealth of the West, the West will submit even if it ultimately means the loss of its prosperity, its independence, its culture, its very existence. Nearly a half-century later, with Western elites eagerly waving in caravans from Central America and literal boatloads from Africa, Raspail’s foresight looks remarkable. – Revolver News

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Mexican drug cartels and cartel-associated smuggling networks are now bringing so many illegal immigrants into the United States that they’re putting out ads on TikTok, targeting American teenagers in South Texas with offers of thousands in cash to ferry migrants past U.S. checkpoints just north of the border.This week Fox News reported on the scheme, including screenshots of TikTok ads offering as much as $3,500 cash for a single trip. One ad reads, “Got another 6 left, already crossed. Lemme know ASAP for that easy cash,” according to Fox News, which also reported that teenagers are in some cases borrowing their parents’ SUVs to smuggle migrants, often without the parents knowing.The migrants in question are almost certainly single adults trying to evade Border Patrol and slip into the United States undetected. Unlike unaccompanied minors and families, who typically turn themselves in to U.S. authorities after crossing the Rio Grande in hopes of a quick release, adult migrants are likely to be immediately expelled and thus often try to avoid detection.For all the media coverage that migrant minors and families have gotten in recent months, single adults have made up a far greater share of illegal immigrants coming across the southwest border this fiscal year. Since October 2020, Border Patrol has encountered more than 400,000 single adults crossing the border illegally, compared to approximately 140,000 minors and families.It’s worth nothing that major Central American cities such as Guatemala City and San Salvador have seen a decline in homicide rates and are no longer among the 50 most murderous cities in the world. San Pedro Sula, Honduras, which was the homicide capital of the world from 2011 to 2014, now ranks 34th.This is important in the context of the border crisis because Democrats and corporate media constantly cite violence in Central America as a major factor pushing migrants out of their home communities and into the United States.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    This surge of illegal immigration is financial windfall for the cartels that control much of northern Mexico. The cartels determine who crosses, where, and when. They are making billions off it.Far from dampening their business activities and reducing revenues, the pandemic has afforded the cartels new opportunities to expand their power and reach. A report issued earlier this month by the Congressional Research Service notes the pandemic “does not appear to have diminished the extensive criminal and political power of Mexico’s criminal organizations,” and that, “the cartels seem to have exploited the pandemic for profit and territorial gain.”Those gains have come with extreme violence. According to a new report issued by Mexico City-based Citizens Council for Public Safety and Judicial Justice, which tracks homicide rates worldwide, eight of the top 10 most murderous cities in the world are in Mexico. Number two and three are the border cities of Tijuana and Juarez.The group called Mexico the “world’s epicenter for homicidal violence,” according to a write-up of the findings by Border Report, which noted that the number one city on the list, Celaya, a city in central Mexico, is where the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) “made it a point to wipe out a local gang named Santa Rosa de Lima in an effort control drug trafficking and large-scale gasoline theft.” From the Federalist

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    But don’t expect to hear about such nuances from the Biden administration, which walked back President Biden’s off-the-cuff admission earlier this week that the border was in crisis. What the president meant, explained White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday, is that Central America is in crisis.

    Central America is certainly in crisis, but so is the border, and so is Mexico. So far, the Biden administration has been unwilling to face those facts. Until they do, cartels and smugglers will continue to reap the rewards of U.S. inaction — along with, it seems, teenagers in South Texas who answer the cartels’ TikTok ads.

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    ferddo  over 2 years ago

    Once again, the same people who previously claimed that all polls are bogus now suddenly are cheering for polls again – as long as those polls say what they want to hear…

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    ferddo  over 2 years ago

    Odd thing about Ms. Benson’s drawing: she attempts to show that she understands how mechanical things work, but what she draws won’t actually work. Her clamps on those rails are over the part that the cart’s wheels would roll on – they would stop the cart from moving, or derail the cart before it went over the end of the ramp.

    Yeah, it’s a picky technical point. But it indicates how Ms. Benson either doesn’t know what she’s talking about, or doesn’t care about reality, or fails in attempts to add believability to her work. This picture would show her point(?) better without any clamps drawn.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Yet another example, btw… this is why Juan Williams is an idiot. Parent’s are upset about a lot of things happening in our schools. Mayor Craig Shubert of the city of Hudson in Summit County, Ohio has demanded the resignation of five school board members over high school course material that a judge said constitued “child pornography.” If they do not resign, the mayor challenged, they would face potential criminal charges over the lewd school materials disseminated to students.“It has come to my attention that your educators are distributing essentially what is child pornography in the classroom,” Mayor Shubert told the Hudson City Schools board, The Epoch Times reported. “I’ve spoken to a judge this evening. She’s already confirmed that. So I’m going to give you a simple choice: You either choose to resign from this board of education or you will be charged.”Parents at Hudson High School said their children were given an assignment involving an inappropriate writing prompt in a book called “642 Things to Write About” in a liberal arts class.Amazon reviews of the book revealed that several of its writing prompts included sexual topics, with others warning that the book is not for younger writers or students. Such inappropriate prompts include asking students to drink a beer and describe how it tastes, or how to commit a murder. It also included writing prompts about creating “a sex scene you wouldn’t show your mom.”

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    And let’s not dare put an end to this insanity, the kids may not like us: from Louder with Crowder:

    Tiktok is a garbage heap, I know. But at least it gives us plenty of things to laugh about—or shake our heads at—and this video might be enough to push you over the edge and start praying for an asteroid strike.

    “Hi, my name is Jasper. I use they/it pronouns. Hi, my name is Leona. I use they/demon pronouns.”

    God Almighty, will this insanity never end?! You read that correctly, folks! “Demon” has been added to the infinite list of wacky pronouns! Dem, Demon, and Demonself…

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Lisa is once again spot on:“The promise of the Biden presidency—knowledge, competence and stability in tough times—have all been called into question,” Democratic pollster Jeff Horwitt of Hart Research Associates, which co-conducted the survey, told NBC News.

    So, we don’t need a Virginia gubernatorial result to tell us about the political environment. The data about the political environment already tells us about the political environment! And in this one, Democrats would be fortunate to win any competitive race, including Virginia’s gubernatorial one. – Slate

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    GiantShetlandPony  over 2 years ago

    The majority of Americans are for the programs that Republicans are obstructing.

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    lawguy05  over 2 years ago

    Another great strip, Ms. Benson – and spot on again.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    So while grade-school children may not actually be reading texts by Ibram X. Kendi, Richard Delgado, Derrick Bell, and Robin DiAngelo (and make no mistake — they may also be reading those), there is no doubt that public schools across the nation are teaching children the fundamental tenets and presuppositions of CRT. This is done, at a minimum, indirectly through structured curriculum, classroom activities, and specific policies. And in many districts, it is often done directly as well.For example, when schools separate out white and black children in different classes, they are teaching children one of CRT’s core presuppositions: that white people, solely by virtue of their skin color, are oppressors, and that black and brown people, solely by virtue of their skin color, are victims — victims of white supremacy and the systemically racist system that prevents people of color (POC) from succeeding in America. Because they are victims, POCs need to be separated from whites and organized into groups with other POCs to give them “more opportunities,” more empathy, and more of a voice.Consider also how schools implement “equity-based” discipline polices that prevent administrators from disciplining minorities because such children have allegedly been disproportionately disciplined in that district. When they do this, schools are teaching students a fundamental tenet of CRT: that justice is not about due process and equal treatment for every individual but instead about achieving equality of outcome for oppressed groups. Unsurprisingly, the NSBA itself advocates for these types of discipline policies.In other instances, schools are being caught instructing teachers how to teach CRT directly to students. Teachers are being trained in CRT’s key terms and presuppositions and then taught how to implement the ideology’s tenets in the classroom.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    So the next time you hear that CRT is not being taught in public schools — don’t believe it. And the next time a pundit insinuates that objections to CRT at school board meetings are without merit and in furtherance of violence, identify the gaslighting for what it is and carry on.

    S. Ernie Walton is an Assistant Professor at Regent University School of Law in Virginia

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    As Republicans try to take back the Senate and House in 2022, they would be well advised to reprise the concept of malaise. 2021 has been a truly awful year, and it is fair to ask: “Are you better off today than you were in 2019?” Nearly everything bad that has happened this year can be pinned directly on President Joe Biden, an inept staff, and the congressional mob that he is trying to lead. Malaise was coined during the Carter administration at a time when it seemed that the federal government could do nothing right. So far, the Biden administration has made Carter’s look like a smooth-running machine. The Spectator

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    What has gone wrong? Let us count the ways. First and foremost is inflation. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen has assured us that inflation will be gone after COVID and the supply chain crisis have abated. It will not. The most pernicious cause of inflation is energy prices, and Biden’s crusade against big oil, gas, and coal will ensure it will continue. All of this is driven by the president’s stubborn refusal to fight excess carbon in the atmosphere by investing in carbon-scrubbing technologies which would reduce existing greenhouse gases in favor of job-destroying attacks on the carbon-based energy sector. Progressives claim, with specious evidence, that climate change impacts people of color and the poor more than other sectors of society. The real threat to the wellbeing of the poor and those on fixed incomes is inflation. There is absolutely no cure for Biden’s war on carbon-based energy except a policy change. While the president is doubling down on his misbegotten climate change initiatives, he is virtually ensuring that inflation is here to stay.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    There is irony here. According to an October 30 article in the Washington Post, Biden has been complaining to his staff that China and the worst of the developing world’s major polluters will not meet even their own modest carbon emission reduction goals. He allegedly referred to India’s lukewarm climate initiatives as “bulls**t.” By his convoluted reasoning, American workers must suffer more to make up for the shortcomings of the rest of the world. It should be no wonder that “America First” resonates with so many voters.

    The vaccine mandate nonsense is another self-inflicted Biden wound. Except for the very young and those with a compromised immune system, everyone in the country who wants to be vaccinated has been. For whatever reason, those who have not been vaccinated have made a conscious decision not to take the shots. So, who are we protecting? An enormous amount of social dissidence is being caused because liberals in government do not like to be told “no.” It offends their sense of control.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    After declaring victory over COVID in July, Biden has continuously backtracked and sent confusing signals to the country. This has done no good for his promise to “restore competence.” The botched handling of both the compromise infrastructure bill and his Build Back Better package has done nothing to convince moderate Democrat and swing voters that the federal government is either competent or capable of taking on more responsibility for the day-to-day lives of Americans. Biden is making the job shortage worse. Airlines will be short crews, garbage will not be collected, and fires will not be put out because critical workers have been fired or quit over the vaccine mandates. When Biden took office, we had a problem with a shortage of workers; his misbegotten vaccine mandate policies are turning a problem into a full-blown crisis.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    Biden got a lot of help from his inept vice president in turning our immigration problem into a crisis. Border issues have not been front-page news lately, but only because the administration’s other head wounds caused by friendly fire have overshadowed it.

    Foreign affairs and national security may not be major issues in 2022, but the humiliation of Kabul will stick to Biden and the Democrats like glue. Biden had much assistance from several politicalized interest groups within the Washington establishment. The incompetence of the intelligence community and the Department of State were only outdone by the disgraceful performance of our senior generals.

    While the Biden administration has pushed the Defense Department to concentrate on critical race theory, climate change, and rooting out potential domestic terrorists in the military, our adversaries have been busy. China developed an orbiting hypersonic missile while continuing to threaten Taiwan. Iran continues its bad behavior in the Middle East under a new president who is openly contemptuous of the United States while the Biden administration slavishly pursues a renewed nuclear deal. Meanwhile, Russia is again building up troops along the Ukrainian border.

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    cdbro  over 2 years ago

    The malaise of the late 1970s was a major factor in the Reagan Revolution of the ’80s. Republicans could not write a better draft for a campaign platform for the midterm elections than Joe Biden has given them.

    Gary Anderson served as a special advisor to the Deputy Secretary of Defense during the George W. Bush Administration.

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    schaefer jim  over 2 years ago

    Well, we are not zooming ahead are we!

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    ndblackirish97  over 2 years ago

    Polls never asked why they think we’re moving in the wrong direction. And that’s why polls suck.

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    catmom1360  over 2 years ago

    No, the Dems are noted for their cheating.

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    Sun  over 2 years ago

    Marxist Disciple Democrats are enjoying the ride, they admire the fact that America is headed in the wrong direction by their messiah Puppet Biden.

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    mysterysciencefreezer  over 2 years ago

    This stinks of how the Right continually portrayed disapproval ratings for the ACA. They kept pointing out how high said disapproval levels showed that the ACA went too far, while pointedly ignoring that most of those who disapproved did so because they thought the ACA didn’t go far enough.

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    Radish the wordsmith  over 2 years ago

    Republicans have made it disturbingly clear: They think women are too stupid to have rights

    Solicitor General of Texas Judd Stone and Justice Samuel Alito, both Federalist Society-linked far-right Republicans, casually spoke about women as if they were incapable of handling the choice to have an abortion. When asked about who could be suffering “extreme moral or otherwise psychological harm” over someone else’s abortion, for instance, Stone invoked the tragic tale of a mansplainer who is horribly abused by a woman who decides to ignore his opinion.

    It’s been a common talking point for GOP defenders to claim that the law gives women plenty of time to get abortions. The implication is that only dum-dums can’t get it done on time, and therefore they deserve forced childbirth. But this supposed “six weeks” to decide is utter nonsense. While the media keeps calling the Texas law a “six week” ban, it is, at best, a two-week ban, as that’s the length of time since the missed period indicating pregnancy.

    Alito, on the other hand, decided to insult women’s intelligence from another angle, portraying women as mental children who are being manipulated by sinister abortion doctors and therefore need to be protected from having choices. Alito repeatedly invoked the specter of a bird-brained woman who didn’t realize until after the fact that the abortion — the one she scheduled, went through and paid for — meant she wasn’t going to have a baby. He spoke of a woman who wants to sue “the doctor who performed my abortion because it caused me physical and/or emotional harm,” conjured up a woman who “sues an out-of-state doctor” for “for physical or emotional harm suffered as a result of the abortion,” and asked of a woman who “sues a doctor who has flown in from another state to perform the abortion.”

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    GaryDavid Premium Member over 2 years ago

    There is a reason why Lisa Benson is my favorite cartoonist and this cartoon is a good example. I am a cartoonist myself and, in my humble opinion, she ranks among the best. Yes, President Joe “The Man Who Sank Anita Hill” Biden is guiding us on…wait, there is a saying that expresses it better: “…the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.”

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    MuddyUSA  Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Not true about Fox News. Most polls including CBS show Biden’s numbers are down.

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