Ah! Longshoreman’s peak job! Seriously, San Pedro and Long Beach each have a person whose sole task is tally containers in and out. Before the last tally mark is even struck, though, a computer has tabulated all the results by means of a scanner and bar codes on each container… If starting pay there is $150k/year, what do you suppose the person doing that makes..?
eromlig about 3 years ago
Carrying a short ladder works even better. Just keep moving…
gopher gofer about 3 years ago
walking briskly helps…
kartis about 3 years ago
In an office environment, carrying around a file folder and a laptop does the same thing, while walking determinedly.
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
That’s how you get to be a supervisor. :)
BC in NC Premium Member about 3 years ago
This is something similar to what George Constanza did in Seinfeld – look stressed at your desk to give the impression of working hard.
waes-hael about 3 years ago
Ah! Longshoreman’s peak job! Seriously, San Pedro and Long Beach each have a person whose sole task is tally containers in and out. Before the last tally mark is even struck, though, a computer has tabulated all the results by means of a scanner and bar codes on each container… If starting pay there is $150k/year, what do you suppose the person doing that makes..?
paranormal about 3 years ago
King of Looking Busy