Pluggers by Rick McKee for December 26, 2021

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  about 3 years ago

    Pakistan, Taiwan, India, Thailand, everywhere else that isn’t the North Pole.

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  2. Eveningledger connie
    Johnny Q Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Pluggers remember when Santa’s workshop was in Japan!

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    Bambihunter6  about 3 years ago

    Except now the Workshop Elves are Slave Laborers.

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    ctolson  about 3 years ago

    There was a time that I remember the toys all being made in American. They lasted forever. When they were outgrown and handed down twice, the third coat of paint wore off and the the wheels were starting to split, they went into the Christmas Eve fire in the fire place.

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    timzsixty9  about 3 years ago

    how pathetically SAD this is….

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    david_42  about 3 years ago

    Really old (US) Pluggers remember when Santa’s Workshop was in the US.

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    flemmingo  about 3 years ago

    Made in China = Junk! Can’t buy Cuban cigars because they’re Communists but we can buy crap from RedChina all day long. Huh?

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    ajr58(1)  about 3 years ago

    @Harumph Manufacturers do not want to pay a living wage

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    Gen.Flashman  about 3 years ago

    As long as Pluggers go to Walmart to buy a $20 toaster instead of Williams-Sonoma to buy a $100 toaster, they will be made in China. Blaming unions is silly why have manufacturing jobs here if they only pay Mcdonald’s level wages? Corporate greed? Kitchen Aid likely would make more money on a higher priced American made toaster IF people would buy them.

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    tung cha cha cha  about 3 years ago

    Because Corporate America CEOs and Board Members do NOT want: to pay living wages, provide 40 hr weeks, vacation and sick days, provide medical insurance, pensions, day care, which Labor Unions have fought for since the 1920s!!!!!! Union workers were able to provide food, housing, and college education for their families when the automobile, textile, etc factories were on shore and not off shore. [chmsam’s comment is excellent]

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    tung cha cha cha  about 3 years ago

    My Father was a member and a former officer of the ILWU. When on strike, the Union provided staples to each family; Christmas parties were held at the Union Hall where we received gifts; He received overtime, sick days, and vacation days; Mother did not have to work; we had two cars; unfortunately we had aged out when the Union fought for and finally got medical insurance included from Kaiser which paid for all my Mother’s expenses for her Leukemia treatments & meds and for His pancreatic cancer treatments & meds. Thus, we did not have millions of dollars of unpaid medical expenses.

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    puntovert99  about 3 years ago

    Santa `outsources` to China … distributed by Amazon.

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    MichaelSFC90  about 3 years ago

    Some of the workers in Chine even get three meals a day.

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