In December of 1966, the “Batman” TV show introduced a villain not taken from the comics, the Puzzler (played by Maurice Evans). As I understand it, the two-parter (“The Puzzles Are Coming”/“The Duo Is Slumming”) was originally intended to feature the Riddler, but Frank Gorshin’s schedule wouldn’t permit it so they revamped.
danketaz Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Jay then giggles and suggests swapping gazpacho recipes.
Gent almost 3 years ago
Got bitten by radioactive woman, eh? With great pronouns comes great dressponsibility.
Packratjohn Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I get very cross when I have to get dressed. Does that make me a cross-dresser?
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Glen or Glenda!?
goboboyd almost 3 years ago
You may get by with a Frida Kahlo ’stasche, but you might want to rethink the chest hair.
julie.mason1 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The Puzzler smuggled it out in a to go gazpacho container.
JoshHere almost 3 years ago
Now Mary has to become Man-Woman to balance the genders
fritzoid Premium Member almost 3 years ago
In December of 1966, the “Batman” TV show introduced a villain not taken from the comics, the Puzzler (played by Maurice Evans). As I understand it, the two-parter (“The Puzzles Are Coming”/“The Duo Is Slumming”) was originally intended to feature the Riddler, but Frank Gorshin’s schedule wouldn’t permit it so they revamped.
Ninette almost 3 years ago
I read Nike is coming out with a women’s bathing suit designed to accommodate women with male stuff down there.
willie_mctell almost 3 years ago
Jay missed his last waxing appointment.