Genuine, civil conversations with people on both sides of the political aisle without vitriol or injecting a narrative is popular with normies? To the tune of 11 million subscribers and $100 million over three years? Dog Almighty, it’s brilliant! If only lame stream media could copy that formula…
If Rogan gets $100 million and has 11 million subscribers (thank you Ernest Lemmingway) then Joe, with his three subscribers (including the cat) should get…let’s see…divide by two…carry the four…87 cents.
Someone embraced by FOX doesn’t seem like someone to be trusted without some more diverse recognition. 11 Million is less than 3% – that is less than the average share of assholes in any group of population anywhere.
But a vitriolic hater might be a role model and someone to follow in a country where even after experiencing the outcome of a Trump presidency it still seems to be a chance of him getting a second term in 2024. The US might have restored democracy in Germany 80 years ago, but their own seem pitiful fragile today. It is broken in quite some places already.
A profitable podcast tells white people they are the real victims of anti-white racism and anti-white discrimination in America. In other words, preach white supremacy.
I only know the name Josh Rogan because it’s been in the news recently. I have never watched or heard his podcast, and I’m sure I haven’t missed anything.
And teachers in Virginia with multiple graduate degrees are lucky to get $50,000.00. That’s why I when sports figures or Hollywood types cause trouble, I turn to books.
You can get paid to cast pods? Which types of pods is one supposed to cast? Pea Pods? Those coffee pod things? Or is there another type of pod I’m forgetting about and where am i supposed to cast them? Into a compost heap? or recycle bin?
sirbadger almost 3 years ago
I mentioned profitable YouTube videos to my unemployed nephew, but he never followed up on it.
Ernest Lemmingway almost 3 years ago
Genuine, civil conversations with people on both sides of the political aisle without vitriol or injecting a narrative is popular with normies? To the tune of 11 million subscribers and $100 million over three years? Dog Almighty, it’s brilliant! If only lame stream media could copy that formula…
Bilan almost 3 years ago
Joe Rogan became popular by pissing off a lot of people. This means that Dad needs to have Danae join his podcast.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 3 years ago
If you want to be on the level of Joe Rogan, find the dumbest people to interview. Millions of dumb people will follow you.
JosephShriver almost 3 years ago
Seems like he needs to pick a different subject, only problem is he here are already ten or more different podcasts on any given subject
Bullet Bronson Premium Member almost 3 years ago
If Rogan gets $100 million and has 11 million subscribers (thank you Ernest Lemmingway) then Joe, with his three subscribers (including the cat) should get…let’s see…divide by two…carry the four…87 cents.
jvo almost 3 years ago
Show your working Bullet almost 3 years ago
Someone embraced by FOX doesn’t seem like someone to be trusted without some more diverse recognition. 11 Million is less than 3% – that is less than the average share of assholes in any group of population anywhere.
But a vitriolic hater might be a role model and someone to follow in a country where even after experiencing the outcome of a Trump presidency it still seems to be a chance of him getting a second term in 2024. The US might have restored democracy in Germany 80 years ago, but their own seem pitiful fragile today. It is broken in quite some places already.
Cough! voting laws cough!
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 3 years ago
I think I’d rather listen to Crazy Horse.
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 3 years ago
The one of AOC looking trying to put together a coffee table went viral.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Rogan filled the vacuum left by Rush Limbo!! And I do mean VACUUM!! Especially between the ears!!
dflak almost 3 years ago
As long as he brings in more revenue than he costs, Spotify will keep him. It’s called capitalism.
Q4horse almost 3 years ago
A profitable podcast tells white people they are the real victims of anti-white racism and anti-white discrimination in America. In other words, preach white supremacy.
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Who is Joe Rogan and who cares? Did he date a Kardashian or something?
Redd Panda almost 3 years ago
It begs the question, why pay for spotify?
Pay good money, to listen to a dope?
We have so many and they’re everywhere.
Hey! Coming soon to spotify!
The Redd Panda Mumble + Grumble pawed cast. Watch for it!
When do I get my cheque? I take Pay-Panda, if that’s easier.
mindjob almost 3 years ago
I can’t sit through a podcast, too much going on.
Linguist almost 3 years ago
I only know the name Josh Rogan because it’s been in the news recently. I have never watched or heard his podcast, and I’m sure I haven’t missed anything.
uniquename almost 3 years ago
If it makes anyone feel better, it might be $200M.
Call me Ishmael almost 3 years ago
And if that is not a sad commentary on this nation, what is? We should change our name from America to “lobotomy land”.
thelordthygod666 almost 3 years ago
A sea of meaningless podcasts and amateur videos. The vast wasteland of Minow has shifted.
Baba Yaga Premium Member almost 3 years ago
Oh, is this the place old democrats come to comment?
JULIOEMALDONADO almost 3 years ago
$200M almost 3 years ago
CURLY:“Hey,fellas,I can’t hear a thing”. MOE:“How come?”
CURLY:“I’m not listening”. almost 3 years ago
Try recipes from Mom’s diner.
Ann Landers got the most mail of her career when she gave a recipe for meatloaf.
willie_mctell almost 3 years ago
Media and transportation killed live entertainment as a way for people to make a living. It was once a skilled trade.
JenSolo02 almost 3 years ago
And teachers in Virginia with multiple graduate degrees are lucky to get $50,000.00. That’s why I when sports figures or Hollywood types cause trouble, I turn to books.
XtopherSD almost 3 years ago
It’s $200 million.
theincrediblebulk almost 3 years ago
You can get paid to cast pods? Which types of pods is one supposed to cast? Pea Pods? Those coffee pod things? Or is there another type of pod I’m forgetting about and where am i supposed to cast them? Into a compost heap? or recycle bin?
bakana almost 3 years ago
Statistics prove that the way to make Millions on the Internet is to spread large amounts of Hatred & Discontent.
Spice it up with Large doses of Total Ignorance and pure Bull Sh!t and the money just rains down on your head.
A prescription for a good Anti-Nausea medication is very helpful for beginning Hypocrites.
Michael McKown Premium Member almost 3 years ago
cwg almost 3 years ago
Honesty pays.