Theoretically, I suppose, it would depend on the size of the woodchuck and its general health, what type of wood is being chucked (some wood is heavier than others) and the size of each piece. One must also consider the allotted timespan.
“That’s a good question, Zoe. I want you to research an answer by yourself, without help from your parents, and submit a full written report on Wednesday.”
Austin Yun almost 2 years ago
HOw do you say that?
lesbian4life7997 almost 2 years ago
None. A woodchuck CAN’T chuck wood.
claireannharper over 1 year ago
A woodchuck would chuck as much as he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
Sherlock5 about 1 year ago
Theoretically, I suppose, it would depend on the size of the woodchuck and its general health, what type of wood is being chucked (some wood is heavier than others) and the size of each piece. One must also consider the allotted timespan.
Sherlock5 6 months ago
“That’s a good question, Zoe. I want you to research an answer by yourself, without help from your parents, and submit a full written report on Wednesday.”