Every generation has its fad toys — hula-hoops, yo-yos, clackers, Pogs, Tamagotchi virtual pets… Sometimes they are rediscovered by a new generation of kids, gaining a resurgence of popularity for a while before disappearing again for a few years until another rediscovery.
riff raff about 2 years ago
I remember that thing being so popular in 5th grade
RandomLantern445 almost 2 years ago
“Though it doesn’t work quite as well on grown-ups,” is Hammie’s next line, except Darryl can already see that.
Waffle™ 4 months ago
not for Darryl
Sherlock5 4 months ago
Every generation has its fad toys — hula-hoops, yo-yos, clackers, Pogs, Tamagotchi virtual pets… Sometimes they are rediscovered by a new generation of kids, gaining a resurgence of popularity for a while before disappearing again for a few years until another rediscovery.