Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for January 06, 1991
Giving Wanda a break today- huh, Darryl? Huh? Oh... Hi, Mike. Yeah, Zoe and I like to go for walks together. My wife takes care of my kid. From the time he was born, she's done all that baby stuff herself. I never really got into it. Some guys really get involved in this shared childcare thing, but not me. I figure it doesn't matter who changes the kid's diapers as long as I get credit for being his old man. Later, pal... Good ol' Mike- the Milli Vanilli of fatherhood.
DevilDog2001 Premium Member almost 3 years ago
What a #@&%! You can’t be a parent unless you parent!
Expect a divorce in your future, you ****!
Also, if you don’t know who “Milli Vanilli” are… Google them.
J-Yoshi64 over 2 years ago
I like the current Mike better.
KageKat over 2 years ago
The Milli Vanilli, Daryl? That’s low, but I’ll agree with you.
Resident Master Plumber over 2 years ago
Huh another guy with Daryll’s nose. Just a one shot character because he’s such a USELSS——-Your kid? That ain’t your kid.
feefers_ over 2 years ago
That guy is a d**ck
lesbian4life7997 almost 2 years ago
Is that guy related to Darryl? He has the same big nose.
leopardglily almost 2 years ago
I’d be ashamed to admit if I was that useless of a parent. If you’re that lazy about your kid, you don’t have a spouse— you have a roommate with a kid.
ToneeRhianRose almost 2 years ago
I see a messed up kid in the future…& I’m not talking about Zoe!
Sherlock5 8 months ago
When your kid turns out to be a big jerk (like you), are you going to want the “credit” for that, too?
Yeah, you probably will.
Are2Dee2 4 months ago
That’s funny.