Ah, I get it now. American sniper uses the Barrett M82 and Arab sniper uses the SVD-63, yet they’re essentially brothers under the skin (meaning that they both kill strangers from half a mile away).
It’s interesting that when snipers were first being used in warfare, they were reviled by most combatants for breeching the “gentlemen’s rules” of killing. Fast forward and today snipers are hailed as heroes.
danketaz Premium Member over 2 years ago
Main difference? One prefers smoked paprika in his gazpacho, the other…plain!
Dr. Quatermass over 2 years ago
Ah, I get it now. American sniper uses the Barrett M82 and Arab sniper uses the SVD-63, yet they’re essentially brothers under the skin (meaning that they both kill strangers from half a mile away).
rip_marco over 2 years ago
It’s interesting that when snipers were first being used in warfare, they were reviled by most combatants for breeching the “gentlemen’s rules” of killing. Fast forward and today snipers are hailed as heroes.
julie.mason1 Premium Member over 2 years ago
We both try to draw a bead on Doug.
fritzoid Premium Member over 2 years ago
Good movie. Whether you’re on the Right or on the Left, if you haven’t seen it it’s probably very different from what you imagine.
AndrewSihler over 2 years ago
What? The ’Merkan can always get circumcised, poof!, there goes the difference, right there!