I never understood this mentality. A CEO should be glad to have junior employees who have drive & ambition instead of mindless compliance. Then again, I spent my formative years in the Navy where junior officers who demonstrated drive & ambition were rewarded, not seen as a threat to one’s position. But that was many, many moons ago.
At my first company we would get a new VP of marketing or sales, the CEO blame them for his mistakes quickly, and they would be “promoted” to VP of future ventures or something like that, we called it “VP of Big Deals”. This of course meant they were on their way out and they were gone within a couple weeks. The CEO even did one of those by email to the company without talking to the person first. We probably had 10 VP of Big Deals while I was there and the company was only around 50 people.
alien011 over 2 years ago
So, the chance of Jimbo actually having his job one day is extremely high, I guess.
Steverino Premium Member over 2 years ago
A box of what?
StoicLion1973 over 2 years ago
I never understood this mentality. A CEO should be glad to have junior employees who have drive & ambition instead of mindless compliance. Then again, I spent my formative years in the Navy where junior officers who demonstrated drive & ambition were rewarded, not seen as a threat to one’s position. But that was many, many moons ago.
Ken Norris Premium Member over 2 years ago
Competent managers encourage drive and ambition. Incompetent ones are afraid of losing their positions. I thought this would be obvious…
RobinHood over 2 years ago
Off Topic
Happy 64th Birthday Bruce Campbell
dv over 2 years ago
At my first company we would get a new VP of marketing or sales, the CEO blame them for his mistakes quickly, and they would be “promoted” to VP of future ventures or something like that, we called it “VP of Big Deals”. This of course meant they were on their way out and they were gone within a couple weeks. The CEO even did one of those by email to the company without talking to the person first. We probably had 10 VP of Big Deals while I was there and the company was only around 50 people.