Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for September 02, 2022

  1. The cat
    Le'letha Premium Member over 2 years ago

    If that isn’t an existing museum already, someone needs to get on that.

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  2. C cactus
    Sue Ellen  over 2 years ago

    The blue and pink wallpapers are OK, but the red butterflies on an ochre background have got to fly away~

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  3. Campina 2
    deadheadzan  over 2 years ago

    Looks like some nice old wallpaper.

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  4. Maxie
    Susanna Premium Member over 2 years ago

    Tilly looks like she is pretty cozy.

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  5. Photo
    Robin Harwood  over 2 years ago

    Madame Tussaud’s Chamber of Horrors, The Black Museum of Scotland Yard, and, most hideous of all, The Museum Of Wallpapers Of The Past.

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  6. Catsanddogsportrait
    DennisinSeattle  over 2 years ago

    Bradbury has a good selection of historic wallpapers. They show them in suites, the way it was done in Victorian times. Like 5 to 7 wallpapers per room.

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  7. Kilo icon
    WelshRat Premium Member over 2 years ago

    And THERE’S the lady! I’d say it’s the day because all the ghosts are asleep but they’re ghost cats. They’re probably asleep 20 hours out of 24.

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  8. Grand canyon picture
    Ricky Bennett  over 2 years ago

    Hopefully no green wallpaper. Those were made with arsenic.

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    Aspen_Bell  over 2 years ago

    Hee, Agatha watching Violet run by there…

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    lauradolan  over 2 years ago

    My mother inherited her grandparents’ farmhouse. The wallpaper in some rooms had been painted over at some point. She wanted to remove it but her aunt told her to be very careful because they used to mix rat poison in the wallpaper paste to deter rodents from chewing on the walls. She decided to leave it alone.

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  11. Cartooninglady
    I AM CARTOON LADY!  over 2 years ago

    Old wall paper is interesting, but can we please swoon over Puck’s, lil white patch? Siiiigh!

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  12. Dsc 0689
    Miss Mina  over 2 years ago


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  13. Avt freyjaw nurse48
    FreyjaRN Premium Member over 2 years ago

    The first wallpaper is nice. The others are just too much for me.

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    Katzen1415  over 2 years ago

    I’m glad we are actually getting a tour of the addition, and those different wallpapers are nice. I am still hoping all this wallpaper uncovering leads to an exciting find, perhaps when Tillie wakes up.

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  15. Sergei
    e98twin2  over 2 years ago

    Aw, Tillie!

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  16. Image
    diskus Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I once had shirts like that

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  17. Profile picture 1466872462
    Kitty Katz  over 2 years ago

    Meanwhile, Back on the Nile

    Iron Glove: Now I think we’re ready to begin the comfy chair prototypes. Since Lupinium has had his daily thwump, we can start without interruptions. I hope.

    Louie-Nour: How is everyone going to use the chairs? Is it mostly for reading scrolls? Do we want to provide a holder for drinks?

    Iron Glove: Good thought. If patrons are going to have coffee and tea, we need to take that into consideration. Spills do happen.

    Adobe Style: Space-time fabric would be ideal for that, but it is rare. And we need some kind of time travel incident to procure it.

    Agnes-Ata: I really don’t recommend trying to procure that unless absolutely necessary.

    Maat-Tilda: I have just the thing. I know two sisters who weave the must durable yet comfortable fabric.

    Adobe Style: I think I know who you mean.

    Tillie: Yes. Polly and Esther.

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    ladykat  over 2 years ago

    No wallpaper for me, thank you kindly!

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    Cat Child  over 2 years ago

    Okay but honestly I would get that butterfly one

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  20. Imagescatizwds
    bonita.eley  over 2 years ago

    Where will this led to?? The ghosts have something ib mind!

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    prrdh  over 2 years ago

    Better have a hazmat specialist check it out first, though:

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  22. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member over 2 years ago

    This is definitely a job for Ben and Erin Napier.

    “We are all old houses, altered by time and circumstances. Our lives are shaped by the good and the bad, and we take it all in and make it a part of us.”

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  23. Eclipse 2024 totality copy
    Jayfbird1969 Premium Member over 2 years ago

    I’m sure someone has already commented on it already, but isn’t that sweet how Ghostkitty Tillie is curled up relaxing on the ghost furniture?

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  24. Dsc02972
    GSD Mom Premium Member over 2 years ago


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  25. Bunny waffle
    daswaff  over 2 years ago

    Question: Anyone else have that, “cat on the bed sensation when there ain’t no cat” thing?

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  26. C cactus
    Sue Ellen  over 2 years ago

    Maybe they’ll find the suitcase containing the lost Hemingway short story manuscripts! Those would be worth millions.

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    Fennec! at the Disco  over 2 years ago

    Aw, Tillie!

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  28. 100 0515  2018 03 15 17 41 22 utc
    pchemcat  over 2 years ago

    Hello Orb. My heart is broken. My Sarajevo died shortly before 9pm on Tuesday. She was such a sweet and loving kitty. I got her on December 1, 2011 after she was attacked by a pit bull pupper (I don’t blame the dog, the owners however should never be allowed to have pets). She was not expected to live but Sarie was not a quitter. In February 2016, she threw a blood clot and was subsequently diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The vet said the clot should have killed her and unfortunately her heart was so bad that he only gave her 3-6 months to live. While you could see the disease’s affect on her, she still did her best to live life to the fullest. Unfortunately, approximately one month shy of her 11th birthday, my baby is no longer with me. I haven’t had much time to grieve my baby girl because my husband was taken to the hospital early Thursday morning after a fall on Wednesday night. So here I sit in the hospital watching him sleep with tears in my eyes because I want my Sarajevo! I do imagine that my Cuda was waiting for her on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge since they were inseparable while Cuda was alive and Sarie never was quite the same without her buddy. Anyway, thanks for listening. I just needed to talk to someone and I know the Orbsters are the best listeners.

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  29. Hellcat
    knight1192a  over 2 years ago


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  30. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  over 2 years ago

    Thinking in terms of layers of wallpaper reminded me of the layers of mailing labels on boxes for interlibrary loans. Oh, the places those boxes had been!

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  31. C cactus
    Sue Ellen  over 2 years ago

    I got a notification of a reply to a post I made back in 2018. When I clicked, I found no new replies, but I did discover that the last panel of the comic I got sent back to was the July page for the 2022 BCN calendar!

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    erinurse2000  over 2 years ago

    Tillie sighting!

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