I’m going to pop some corn and wait for the comments.
… If we’re not headed in the right direction, it’s all the fault of anyone who didn’t vote for me. Those people are out to destroy the country.
If Highway to Hell is your path. You’re dead on!
That’s a politician that didn’t get the marching orders clearly from his handlers.
As soon as I heard“Let me be clear…” I became concerned—- He should have said…” Let me me bePERFECTLY clear” —Thats how a polished politician begins saying something totally obscure.
Wile E Coyote never hit bottom as fast as Joey and his sycophants.
kingdiamond69 over 2 years ago
I’m going to pop some corn and wait for the comments.
Doug K over 2 years ago
… If we’re not headed in the right direction, it’s all the fault of anyone who didn’t vote for me. Those people are out to destroy the country.
elvisgirl3 over 2 years ago
If Highway to Hell is your path. You’re dead on!
quinones.felix over 2 years ago
That’s a politician that didn’t get the marching orders clearly from his handlers.
Oh Really? over 2 years ago
As soon as I heard“Let me be clear…” I became concerned—- He should have said…” Let me me bePERFECTLY clear” —Thats how a polished politician begins saying something totally obscure.
ramonmister28 over 2 years ago
Wile E Coyote never hit bottom as fast as Joey and his sycophants.