I can’t stand matching, if I come downstairs and my wife and I are wearing similar clothes I go up and change. Sometimes we have the “I was wearing it first “ discussion.
My husband and I have been wearing identical t-shirts whenever we’re going out together, unless we were going to work (retired now so that’s not a problem) or we’re going to a very formal occasion (very rare). It makes it easier to find each other in a group or an aisle in a store.
yoey1957 over 2 years ago
Across the back ours say, “Together since 1975”
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
unless they’re at some convention like a family reunion or something
stivaliviola over 2 years ago
This is definitely us ❤️
Doug K over 2 years ago
He let her pick this out for them.
jmolay161 over 2 years ago
And a lot of pluggers still rely on simple smiley face emojis.
juicebruce over 2 years ago
Not just Matching shirts but still holding hands ;-)
'IndyMan' over 2 years ago
What’s so unusual about holding hands—my wife and I did it and we married almost 50 years ???
Charles over 2 years ago
My wife and I have matching “The HU” concert shirts.
zerotvus over 2 years ago
I’m Stupid-I’m with Stupid??
ctolson over 2 years ago
Pluggers also hold hands in public and put their heads on the others shoulder and aren’t embarrassed by it.
TMMILLER Premium Member over 2 years ago
Nope, but this Plugger’s Mrs does use his T shirts as nighties!
phritzg Premium Member over 2 years ago
I would have drawn them wearing identical “I’m with Stupid” t-shirts.
david_42 over 2 years ago
We have a couple pairs of matching T-shirts, but don’t bother trying to match up.
Spiny Norman Premium Member over 2 years ago
I can’t stand matching, if I come downstairs and my wife and I are wearing similar clothes I go up and change. Sometimes we have the “I was wearing it first “ discussion.
kathleenhicks62 over 2 years ago
Only once VERY long ago- – never again!
Back to Big Mike over 2 years ago
Nope. My bride has never worn a t shirt in her life.
Gen.Flashman over 2 years ago
Only if they find matching shirts in the $1 bin at Goodwill.
CatStaff Premium Member over 2 years ago
My husband and I have been wearing identical t-shirts whenever we’re going out together, unless we were going to work (retired now so that’s not a problem) or we’re going to a very formal occasion (very rare). It makes it easier to find each other in a group or an aisle in a store.
Dr_Fogg over 2 years ago
A friend bought my wife and I matching t-shirts. “I enjoy romantic walks through the hardware store”
mafastore over 2 years ago
Husband will not wear any shirt which does not have a collar, so he basically wears dress shirts all the time.