Strange Brew by John Deering for October 06, 2022

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    rmremail  about 2 years ago

    And people who have will be horrified – how many times do I have to tell you, you can’t make grits from oats!

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  2. Green 5 point celtic knot 300
    Erse IS better  about 2 years ago

    ARE grits scary? I grew up eating ‘em, so for me they’re bland, buttery and quite pleasant.

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    dflak  about 2 years ago

    I suppose one could get gits anywhere today, but that was not so back in the early 1970s.

    My wife had a craving for grits when she was pregnant with one of my sons. Unfortunately we lived in Southern California at the time. With the other son, the carving was for Tacos. We lived in South Carolina then.

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    NoSleepTil_BKLYN  about 2 years ago

    Southern Witches Be Loco!

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  5. Pussyhatpig
    TheWildSow  about 2 years ago

    I’d like to try the grits.

    Hominy, Ma’am?

    Oh, 6 or 7 I guess!

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