I don’t know, Sweetheart, Unity has a point. Totally scuffing spats seems about your speed. Or maybe you could just give a stern cautionary lecture on the pitfalls of inaccurate paperwork. That way, you could let off some steam, and everyone else could take a nap.
crookedwolf Premium Member over 1 year ago
Modern rampage = mussing up their financial records..?
Robert Wilson Premium Member over 1 year ago
Thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that John Kendrick Bangs was a writer who died in 1922.
6turtle9 over 1 year ago
I don’t know, Sweetheart, Unity has a point. Totally scuffing spats seems about your speed. Or maybe you could just give a stern cautionary lecture on the pitfalls of inaccurate paperwork. That way, you could let off some steam, and everyone else could take a nap.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 1 year ago
Rampage means danger and disaster for them.