I was reading a book on advertising. Some razor company wanted to shave a lion’s whiskers. They got to the studio and the blade couldn’t do anything and the trainer was perplexed. Why are you trying to actually shave the lion? He thought it was gonna be faked as it takes bolt cutters to cut a lion’s whisker.
Enter.Name.Here about 2 years ago
Fleshy has werewolf syndrome. Leave him be! Maybe his only chance to have fur… sorta.
Jayalexander about 2 years ago
anything’s possible after you herd them into the playpen
[Traveler] Premium Member about 2 years ago
That’s gotta hurt
F-Flash about 2 years ago
Maybe the tail mites migrated to his chinny chin chin?
NeedaChuckle Premium Member about 2 years ago
I was reading a book on advertising. Some razor company wanted to shave a lion’s whiskers. They got to the studio and the blade couldn’t do anything and the trainer was perplexed. Why are you trying to actually shave the lion? He thought it was gonna be faked as it takes bolt cutters to cut a lion’s whisker.
monya_43 about 2 years ago
Monty is going to need a suit of armor and a net to accomplish anything personal with Fleshy.
Redd Panda about 2 years ago
A angry cat is a cross between a Samurai and an airplane propellor.
FassEddie about 2 years ago
There’s no tent and bug bomb? Surely DuPont makes something tactical.
Frankie5466 about 2 years ago
this is the 1st time I’ve ever seen a repeat on Monty! Hope JM is ok! Wonder what happened to the strip’s color?
brightshade about 2 years ago
Looks like a bunch (but not all) gocomics strips are running 2016 comix today. I suspect another gremlin in the works…
chriscc63 about 2 years ago
shaving a hairless cat? facial wiskers is all he has. let him werewolf out Monty.
GKBOWOOD Premium Member about 2 years ago
Fleshy is sporting the Cool Cat Look! All he needs is a beret and shades.
jski14 about 2 years ago
I tried to SHOW my cat the above ground pool one time. Just SHOW him. Still have the scars.
Sisyphos about 2 years ago
Be smart, Montague! Leave Fleshy alone! It’s safer for all concerned that way….