Cattitude — Doggonit by Anthony Smith for May 15, 2023

  1. Girls 92610
    uncle snipe  over 1 year ago

    Cattitude is about to receive his inflight meal! Bon appétit.

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    Zebrastripes  over 1 year ago

    It’s the descent that worries me..

    Poor Tweety never saw it coming…

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    ladykat  over 1 year ago

    Please don’t give my cats any new ideas.

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  4. Brady the clumber spaniel
    johnjoyce  over 1 year ago

    A modern episode of Sylvester & Tweety?

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    thejanith Premium Member over 1 year ago

    Love it! Thanks for the repeat. I love seeing the classics and this one sure is!

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  6. Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped
    mistercatworks  over 1 year ago

    I put one of those suction-cup-mounted bird feeders outside my window at eye-level. Over the next few days, I noticed my cat was doing “workouts” on the patio. She was practicing leaps. About a week later, I was on the phone and staring out that window, when I saw her leap straight up more than five feet and snatch a bird at the feeder.

    I moved the bird feeder as high on the window as I could. She intensified her workouts. Soon she was snatching birds at an advanced level. I had to take it down; it had become a cat feeder. :)

    Vivekat was an amazing cat, named after the actress Viveka Davis. She would walk with me along the ocean cliffs, come down off the roof by riding on a cardboard box I held, and even let me rescue her when she got stuck 30 feet up a redwood tree and stuff her in a backpack so I could climb down. She made friends with the neighborhood cats everywhere we lived and presided over “catnip parties” of up to seven cats. One-in-a-million.

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    Canadian Nerd  over 1 year ago

    Shoulda used a cat-apult.

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