Love how Calvin tries to be vague, but the Mom sees right through it. Besides, if Calvin’s in first grade, it should be fairly easy to read (i.e. somewhat large type, like the books I read in first and second grade).
I was designated homework helper for our older granddaughter. She has a verbal learning disability that makes reading difficult. When she did answer questions about what you read assignments she was usually at a loss. I’d ask her “Did you read it?” “Yes,” she’d respond angrily. “Well, try reading it again,” I’d say. After that I’d suggest that she look for keywords in the text. Her fear of reading made her respond angrily to assignments like that. She’s 15 now and reads better. She also finally got recognition of her learning problems from the school and is getting real help. Her grade school was terrible in that regard.
BE THIS GUY almost 2 years ago
Calvin is done with his homework; they have irreconcilable differences.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Calvin, you’re no good at convincing your mom…..
Templo S.U.D. almost 2 years ago
back to your room, bad lad
codycab almost 2 years ago
Calvin could stop being done, but he’s no quitter.
sirbadger almost 2 years ago
Now, she’ll serve a chicken that’s “done”.
Erse IS better almost 2 years ago
He really didn’t say the HOMEWORK was done.
scotta775 almost 2 years ago
He should have just walked by without saying anything, but than I guess the strip would have been pretty boring.
Troglodyte almost 2 years ago
Buster is busted!
leopoldenoch almost 2 years ago
She always calls him buster.
figuratively speaking almost 2 years ago
Calvin’s not a total loss. He doesn’t lie, but you have to ask the right questions.
The Reader Premium Member almost 2 years ago
You could have just explained to her how Hobbes was reading it for you.
dflak almost 2 years ago
A lawyer in the making: “Define done.” “Define homework.” “Define you.”
sandpiper almost 2 years ago
Mom’s pose shows a certain ‘familiarity’ with Cal’s habits.
VICTOR PROULX almost 2 years ago
Homework is an evil and time consuming. I never did it.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Nothings more important than playing outside…home work can wait!
mckeonfuneralhomebx almost 2 years ago
but their is fresh air, Sunshine and Suzie out there mom
brentced almost 2 years ago
Asking what your learned would be better. It could be shocking.
g04922 almost 2 years ago
Calvin should know you can’t get over on Mom…
BiggerNate91 almost 2 years ago
I’ve had that feeling before. Not being done, but just being… done.
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
But verify… ☺
mindjob almost 2 years ago
Calvin and Homework have terminated their prenuptual agreement
KEA almost 2 years ago
She should have asked him if he had completed his homework as directed. Being idiomatic with kids can lead to really… ingenious interpretations.
wiley207 almost 2 years ago
Love how Calvin tries to be vague, but the Mom sees right through it. Besides, if Calvin’s in first grade, it should be fairly easy to read (i.e. somewhat large type, like the books I read in first and second grade).
ArcticFox Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Not much freedom in this ‘chapter’ of Calvin’s life.
willie_mctell almost 2 years ago
I was designated homework helper for our older granddaughter. She has a verbal learning disability that makes reading difficult. When she did answer questions about what you read assignments she was usually at a loss. I’d ask her “Did you read it?” “Yes,” she’d respond angrily. “Well, try reading it again,” I’d say. After that I’d suggest that she look for keywords in the text. Her fear of reading made her respond angrily to assignments like that. She’s 15 now and reads better. She also finally got recognition of her learning problems from the school and is getting real help. Her grade school was terrible in that regard.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 2 years ago
Okay then after I quiz you on it. Pass and you can go out. Fail and homework and no tv. You must pass my quiz or I shall call your teacher about it.
Nyan cat almost 2 years ago
What calvin said is what I’d say
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 2 years ago
Well played, Mom.
Johnny Q Premium Member almost 2 years ago
“I couldn’t read it because my parents forgot to pay the gravity bill!”