This saying, which dates back to the early 1800s, was coined during a time when clouds were a topic of conversation. It was during this time that scientists and seafarers, including amateur meteorologist Luke Howard, first began organizing clouds. By observing cloud appearance and height above ground level, they were able to categorize all clouds into the ten basic cloud types we use today: cumulus, stratus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus.
To make recording cloud observations easier, Howard and others also assigned a number from 0 to 9, to each of these ten cloud groups. According to their code abbreviations, zero represented the lowest clouds (stratus), and nine, the tallest clouds (cumulonimbus, or thunderstorm clouds). It’s from this that the expression “cloud nine” was likely born! (If you’re on cloud nine, you’ll be extremely high up, which also describes the sensation you may feel when overjoyed.)
As long as they have an alternate way of getting up there. Hate to think of a bunch of angels hanging around in the lobby for any length of time, waiting for the stairs to be repaired. Gives Heaven a bad name.
Superfrog almost 2 years ago
Well then I’ll build a stairway to Paradise, with a new step every day.
Pharmakeus Ubik almost 2 years ago
It should be roped off, some lady bought it.
Dobie Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Oh no… here comes the forbidden riff, the scourge of every guitar store!
Lee26 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Where did the saying Cloud Nine come from?
This saying, which dates back to the early 1800s, was coined during a time when clouds were a topic of conversation. It was during this time that scientists and seafarers, including amateur meteorologist Luke Howard, first began organizing clouds. By observing cloud appearance and height above ground level, they were able to categorize all clouds into the ten basic cloud types we use today: cumulus, stratus, stratocumulus, nimbostratus, cumulonimbus, altostratus, altocumulus, cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus.
To make recording cloud observations easier, Howard and others also assigned a number from 0 to 9, to each of these ten cloud groups. According to their code abbreviations, zero represented the lowest clouds (stratus), and nine, the tallest clouds (cumulonimbus, or thunderstorm clouds). It’s from this that the expression “cloud nine” was likely born! (If you’re on cloud nine, you’ll be extremely high up, which also describes the sensation you may feel when overjoyed.)
wrytercat almost 2 years ago
I wouldn’t trust the elevator. I’m listening to the Rolling Stones at the moment. Get Off My Cloud just played.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
Good thing it’s going up…..OY VEY! ☺️
basspro almost 2 years ago
Question: Was he Led there by a Zeppelin?
sarah413 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Cloud nine, eh? Going up 420 feet?
FassEddie almost 2 years ago
Whose bustle is in the hedgerow?
cactusbob333 almost 2 years ago
What’s this dark horse doing in here?
Bill The Nuke almost 2 years ago
I’m too lazy this morning to look up who sung “Stairway to Heaven”. But I’ll be singing or humming it all day today.
Jeff0811 almost 2 years ago
The name of the stairs… Stairway to Heaven. The name of the elevator… Last Rides.
Radish... almost 2 years ago
But there is a highway to hell based on relative usage.
jscarff57 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Wait- the elevator works but the stairway doesn’t???
Howard'sMyHero almost 2 years ago
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder ….
( classic rock ensues )
christelisbetty almost 2 years ago
I’m doin’ fine on Cloud 9.
zeexenon almost 2 years ago
Led Zeppelin are upset, very upset.
sandflea almost 2 years ago
Goin ’up?
T... almost 2 years ago
That is elevating and inspiring…
BigBoy almost 2 years ago
Stairway closed due to cloud cover, Please use elevator or wings. Sorry for the inconvenience
paullp Premium Member almost 2 years ago
As long as they have an alternate way of getting up there. Hate to think of a bunch of angels hanging around in the lobby for any length of time, waiting for the stairs to be repaired. Gives Heaven a bad name.