What if the only way to stop a nuclear holocaust were to convince an online chatbot AI to say the n-word? It’s the most pressing issue of our time… for internet racists.
Bush Vetoed the Anti Waterboarding bill. Even though torture only gets you what you want to hear and not anything factual. But Republicans in general are not interested in anything vaguely having to do with REALITY!! I’m sure they think Murdoch is lying about lying!!
Flavius Josephus in his history book recounts a discussion with a Roman military officer. The Roman said something to the effect that torture doesn’t work. Of course he still continued to use torture.Hey, torture gave the psychopaths an honest profession.
GaryCooper almost 2 years ago
Several years ago, Dick Cheney had a new heart implanted in his chest, bringing the total number of hearts he’s had to one.
GaryCooper almost 2 years ago
Cheney: Ah, screw the nuclear codes; I just want to torture people.
SNVBD almost 2 years ago
Ah, three non-issues… are these strawman arguments? Or is it somekind of other logical fallacy?
SKJAM! Premium Member almost 2 years ago
With that last one, you could just pull the internet connection.
Decepticomic almost 2 years ago
What if the only way to stop a nuclear holocaust were to convince an online chatbot AI to say the n-word? It’s the most pressing issue of our time… for internet racists.
Serial Pedant almost 2 years ago
You’d have find one who is ‘woke’. FL Guv DiStupid knows who they are.
NeedaChuckle Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Bush Vetoed the Anti Waterboarding bill. Even though torture only gets you what you want to hear and not anything factual. But Republicans in general are not interested in anything vaguely having to do with REALITY!! I’m sure they think Murdoch is lying about lying!!
Linguist almost 2 years ago
Never go hunting with Dick Cheney!
Diane Lee Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Torture would sure work on me. Even with the numbing, my dentist could get the nuclear codes if I had them.
banjoAhhh! almost 2 years ago
Flavius Josephus in his history book recounts a discussion with a Roman military officer. The Roman said something to the effect that torture doesn’t work. Of course he still continued to use torture.Hey, torture gave the psychopaths an honest profession.
ChessPirate almost 2 years ago
Not sure what this strip is trying to say…