Listen up, this is working somehow but do we actually think this is going to last forever? I don’t , I mean I no I has worked so lets clap it up for Nate but will it keep working.
Ah! “Bigger than the Whole Sky!” One of my favorite Taylor Swift songs!
Strip rating: 5/10 I wonder how Nate will get busted for this. Maybe Francis might intervene and tell the females that Nate only did this to attract attention to himself. And would they believe him? Well, Nate is pretty notorious in P.S. 38 for doing stupid things, so I think they would.
I fear the constant Taylor Swift references will become outdated in the years to come. Pierce has said the fact that he doesn’t want to make too many technological references out of fear that the jokes will become dated; this seems like it will be just that.
Orange Crewmate almost 2 years ago
Oh, oh, oh.
It’s working.
Color me surprised.
Clarence almost 2 years ago
Oh brother indeed
this account is dead T~T almost 2 years ago
No, he’s not. And the girl should have noticed his expression already… I am embarrassed for him, the day when he gets caught ;-;
leopardglily almost 2 years ago
Ugh. This storyline is nauseating.
Meme Dee Dee (king of the comic reviewers) almost 2 years ago
I like Kraftwerk. Do you think everyone else likes Kraftwerk? I wish I could make friends because we share common interests.
5.5/10 This seems like a good setup for failure. I hope the plan blows up in his face, then it would be funny. In a sick way.
Scarlet Shimmer almost 2 years ago
That has to be the most obviously scripted lyric drop ever
ND Cool Z almost 2 years ago
“Bigger Than the Whole Sky” from her new album Midnights
markkahler52 almost 2 years ago
Alright, folks…Nate could be saying: you be my yo yo, I’ll be your string; or, bag it, tag it, etc etc….
Wolf Boy(The Second) almost 2 years ago
Listen up, this is working somehow but do we actually think this is going to last forever? I don’t , I mean I no I has worked so lets clap it up for Nate but will it keep working.
deadzwastakenn almost 2 years ago
This is gonna end badly, I bet Francis is going to expose the truth or Nate is going to expose himself4/10 tbh.
Neat1Up almost 2 years ago
Ah! “Bigger than the Whole Sky!” One of my favorite Taylor Swift songs!
Strip rating: 5/10 I wonder how Nate will get busted for this. Maybe Francis might intervene and tell the females that Nate only did this to attract attention to himself. And would they believe him? Well, Nate is pretty notorious in P.S. 38 for doing stupid things, so I think they would.
Captain Marvel. almost 2 years ago
there is no way this is working it never does well maybe if teddy it it did then I guess nate
nintendopoptarts64 almost 2 years ago
You make Me sick, Nate.
BadCreaturesBecomeDems almost 2 years ago
And now all the girls will laugh!
Saddenedby Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Nate touches himself in the last panel – YEP WORKING – sicker than sick – death will need to be defied as he won’t recover from this idiocy
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Oh lordy: like Fred Flintstone said of "The Barneycopter: “IT WOIKS!!”……….
TheBestBigNateFan almost 2 years ago
Man I cant believe its actually working.
raybarb44 almost 2 years ago
Bingo ….
[Unnamed Reader - bddb15] almost 2 years ago
Could someone please clue me in when this story line ends?
byamrcn almost 2 years ago
Someone please save him! We need an intervention!
Crazy Comics almost 2 years ago
Here we go again…..
MasterFresh almost 2 years ago
I fear the constant Taylor Swift references will become outdated in the years to come. Pierce has said the fact that he doesn’t want to make too many technological references out of fear that the jokes will become dated; this seems like it will be just that.
RobinHood almost 2 years ago
Pulling a “Swift” one maybe
RobinHood almost 2 years ago
Whatever girls like, boys will follow
#17 almost 2 years ago
she looks shocked
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Stand back and watch his technique.
BigNateis#1 almost 2 years ago
This plane is going up hopefully it doesn’t crash
FrancisPope123 almost 2 years ago
Imagine one of the girls figure out or Francis, tells everyone!
maybe a human almost 2 years ago
does anyone actually call themselves “swifties”
Ruben S. over 1 year ago
well played