Evolution made us hierarchical in our group dynamic. But we were also made for much smaller groups, until we had a cognitive revolution where thru narrative large groups could believe they are part of larger groups or purposes. That’s when we really got destructive.
Control is very closely tied to that big challenge for our aging, right-wing populist population, change. The changes occurring in our country, necessary changes, trigger these snowflakes to take increasingly irrational measures, creating an environment where Fox is considered a valid news source, joining Q Anon, converting a whole party to become the GQP, believing an obviously fair election was stolen, justifying an insurrection, all more strident attempts to control their world……………………………………does that about cover it, Stanti?:
Talking about control, the GOP’s madman still thinks he’s in control.
Trump falsely says Mike Pence is to ‘blame’ for violence on January 6
Donald Trump, the one-term ex-president whose actions led to the deadly January 6, 2021 insurrection, says his vice president is actually the one to blame for the violence that day.“Had he sent the votes back to the legislators," Trump said, referring to Mike Pence, "they wouldn’t have had a problem with Jan. 6.”
jmworacle almost 2 years ago
I’ve found that the people who tell others how to run their lives have the most chaos.
The dude from FL Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Pretty much every species follow the leader…not the brightest trait
braindead Premium Member almost 2 years ago
It’s because when they talk to God, He tells them to tell other people what to do.
Darsan54 Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Evolution made us hierarchical in our group dynamic. But we were also made for much smaller groups, until we had a cognitive revolution where thru narrative large groups could believe they are part of larger groups or purposes. That’s when we really got destructive.
bdpoltergeist Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Winslow, now you have confirmation
rossevrymn almost 2 years ago
Control is very closely tied to that big challenge for our aging, right-wing populist population, change. The changes occurring in our country, necessary changes, trigger these snowflakes to take increasingly irrational measures, creating an environment where Fox is considered a valid news source, joining Q Anon, converting a whole party to become the GQP, believing an obviously fair election was stolen, justifying an insurrection, all more strident attempts to control their world……………………………………does that about cover it, Stanti?:
General Trelane (Ret.) Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Also , why do people like to tell other people what to think ?
Radish... almost 2 years ago
Talking about control, the GOP’s madman still thinks he’s in control.
Trump falsely says Mike Pence is to ‘blame’ for violence on January 6
Donald Trump, the one-term ex-president whose actions led to the deadly January 6, 2021 insurrection, says his vice president is actually the one to blame for the violence that day.“Had he sent the votes back to the legislators," Trump said, referring to Mike Pence, "they wouldn’t have had a problem with Jan. 6.”
quixotic3 almost 2 years ago
Ego. Most people crave status.