“Realizing that your parents are people is the ultimate step in growing up. Only when you experience that change in perception do you fully grasp that you’re an adult — you and your parents are equals. They’re not some invincible, all-knowing breed of superhuman. They’re real people, with real struggles and anxieties, real hopes and dreams.” ~ ~ copied
Pickled Pete 7 months ago
What does Google say?
Are your parents people?
“Realizing that your parents are people is the ultimate step in growing up. Only when you experience that change in perception do you fully grasp that you’re an adult — you and your parents are equals. They’re not some invincible, all-knowing breed of superhuman. They’re real people, with real struggles and anxieties, real hopes and dreams.” ~ ~ copied
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 7 months ago
Amazing how understandable they get when you’re the age they were when you were a child.
VT8/VF84 7 months ago
“Cats in the Cradle” Harry Chapin
Olddog1 7 months ago
“When I was 14 my father was an idiot. When I was 21 I was amazed at how much he learned in four years.” Mark Twain, possibly
ladykat 7 months ago
We are too real people!
Buoy 6 months ago
Real people who turn into children when old.