My mind is a lot like a pimple. It festers and boils just under the skin until it is ready to rise to the surface and become an unsightly heaving puss pocket. Then I can pop it and it splatters onto the mirror where I can reflect in it’s magnificence.
Izzy Moreno 6 months ago
It really depends on your definition of “squeeze one out”.
Pickled Pete 6 months ago
Me missus says I have the imagination of a 3 year old. Only problem is, she says, is I act like a two year old..
VT8/VF84 6 months ago
“Carolina In My Mind” James Taylor
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 6 months ago
Sometimes as many as three or even four good ones!
goboboyd 6 months ago
An early attempt to directly infuse (impress?) knowledge to the brain.
ladykat 6 months ago
Leave my ideas alone.
Olddog1 6 months ago
They always look better while they are still in there.
Buoy 6 months ago
My mind is a lot like a pimple. It festers and boils just under the skin until it is ready to rise to the surface and become an unsightly heaving puss pocket. Then I can pop it and it splatters onto the mirror where I can reflect in it’s magnificence.
charles9156 6 months ago
brutal application of Gutenberg press