Language has always been a poor communicator for the ideas and concepts of humans, and to describe life and the world around us; especially the mysterious, barely perceived and the birthing of the new and unfamiliar. It is the best thing we have come up with, and one would hope it is improving. Then there are those that would cling to what is known and familiar because it is easier and safer and feels more secure, but it has always been those who choose to push the boundaries, to seek the unknown, to perceive what is outside of the mundane, and feel the pull of something more that have always made a difference in this world.
Pickled Pete 2 months ago
Sorry, but I can’t hang around til somebody invents a language just for you!
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 2 months ago
And much of the rest is in language that would make the nannybot in the comment section blush.
VT8/VF84 2 months ago
“Mind Games” John Lennon
Havel 2 months ago
Buoy 2 months ago
Language has always been a poor communicator for the ideas and concepts of humans, and to describe life and the world around us; especially the mysterious, barely perceived and the birthing of the new and unfamiliar. It is the best thing we have come up with, and one would hope it is improving. Then there are those that would cling to what is known and familiar because it is easier and safer and feels more secure, but it has always been those who choose to push the boundaries, to seek the unknown, to perceive what is outside of the mundane, and feel the pull of something more that have always made a difference in this world.
charles9156 2 months ago
act it out ;+)