Try finding them among all those channels that claim to offer endless access. Some of the best get no mention or a notice that they are no longer available. And the free with ads types are a pain. When I pick one and start it, I immediately hit ‘pause,’ then count the ad spots. More than three ads, especially the 3 min+ type, I dump it. Nothing spoils a movie experience like a break for potty pants, make-up, and overpriced autos, mixed with phony med ads, kitchen tools, and medical fraud.
sandpiper about 1 year ago
Try finding them among all those channels that claim to offer endless access. Some of the best get no mention or a notice that they are no longer available. And the free with ads types are a pain. When I pick one and start it, I immediately hit ‘pause,’ then count the ad spots. More than three ads, especially the 3 min+ type, I dump it. Nothing spoils a movie experience like a break for potty pants, make-up, and overpriced autos, mixed with phony med ads, kitchen tools, and medical fraud.
Angry Indeed Premium Member about 1 year ago
Rodney, your retirement home is well-appointed dungeon cell.
dbrucepm about 1 year ago
I remember my dad calling the elderly apartments in town “wrinkle city”
brklnbern about 1 year ago
Ageist phobic. Those were much better movies.