Truth, justice and other American values appear unpopular these days—- opposing bizarre beliefs and agendas are well funded and being pushed, promoted and sold to a confused apathetic and compliant US Citizenry.
Here are some tRumpublican truth, justice and American ways for you.
Their Truth (AKA Lie): The 2020 Election was stolen.
Their Justice (AKA Lie): It wasn’t and insurrection, just a friendly gathering on January 6th.
Their American Way: Freedom, freedom and more freedom, except when it comes to race, religion, gender. It’s the “Merican” way to make sure the old white guys are in control, you are free to practice your religion, as long as it is the Christian religion, of which we pick and choose what we follow, and women are free to do as you please, as long as you stay at home, barefoot, pregnant and keep throwing logs on the fire and cooking up a mess of bacon and beans.
It is sad how the “right” says the “left” hates America and the way the “left” says that the “right” hates America.
The Truth is that most (yes most and not all) Americans love America. From what is being said in politics right now I would break down the difference to be:
The “right” – I love America for the opportunities it provides for ME.
The “left” – I love America for the opportunities that it provides for other.
Which side is right? That is for you to decide. Is this a complete description of the left and right, no. Is this the way these two philosophies have always been, no. Is this anyone else’s opinion besides mine, that is for you to decide.
The United States of America was founded by Liberals and based on Liberal Principles, Liberal Ideals and Liberal Values. conservatives, then called ‘Tory’, opposed the U.S., opposed our independence, and opposed our constitution. Liberals have had to drag conservatives, kicking and screaming all the way, into the next decade throughout our history. Today’s conservatives are no different. They oppose our constitution in the very Preamble. conservatives are the enemy of the U.S., and have been since 1774.
There is a poster available at Open Culture giving Superman’s own thoughts about these matters: “…and remember, boys and girls, your school – like our country – is made up of Americans of many different races, religions and national origins, so … If YOU hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of his religion, race or national origin – don’t wait: tell him THAT KIND OF TALK IS UN-AMERICAN. HELP KEEP YOUR SCHOOL ALL-AMERICAN!” I have Gene Autry’s Cowboy Code hanging on the wall at home, pretty much the same message.
drbee about 1 year ago
It’ll win him even Less in the Right-wing media; from all I see, their stock in trade is outright lies combined with fake outrage.
RCB Ooze about 1 year ago
With the Left, it’s Lies, Corruption and the Woke Marxist Way.
The Reader Premium Member about 1 year ago
Why couldn’t he stick to good old Kryptonian values?
Oh Really? about 1 year ago
Truth, justice and other American values appear unpopular these days—- opposing bizarre beliefs and agendas are well funded and being pushed, promoted and sold to a confused apathetic and compliant US Citizenry.
rickmac1937 Premium Member about 1 year ago
Got that right
richsunaz3642 about 1 year ago
Daltongang Premium Member about 1 year ago
Here are some tRumpublican truth, justice and American ways for you.
Their Truth (AKA Lie): The 2020 Election was stolen.
Their Justice (AKA Lie): It wasn’t and insurrection, just a friendly gathering on January 6th.
Their American Way: Freedom, freedom and more freedom, except when it comes to race, religion, gender. It’s the “Merican” way to make sure the old white guys are in control, you are free to practice your religion, as long as it is the Christian religion, of which we pick and choose what we follow, and women are free to do as you please, as long as you stay at home, barefoot, pregnant and keep throwing logs on the fire and cooking up a mess of bacon and beans.
David_the_CAD about 1 year ago
It is sad how the “right” says the “left” hates America and the way the “left” says that the “right” hates America.
The Truth is that most (yes most and not all) Americans love America. From what is being said in politics right now I would break down the difference to be:
The “right” – I love America for the opportunities it provides for ME.
The “left” – I love America for the opportunities that it provides for other.
Which side is right? That is for you to decide. Is this a complete description of the left and right, no. Is this the way these two philosophies have always been, no. Is this anyone else’s opinion besides mine, that is for you to decide.
ncorgbl about 1 year ago
The United States of America was founded by Liberals and based on Liberal Principles, Liberal Ideals and Liberal Values. conservatives, then called ‘Tory’, opposed the U.S., opposed our independence, and opposed our constitution. Liberals have had to drag conservatives, kicking and screaming all the way, into the next decade throughout our history. Today’s conservatives are no different. They oppose our constitution in the very Preamble. conservatives are the enemy of the U.S., and have been since 1774.
admiree2 about 1 year ago
Sure thing, Tittiebums. Lex Luther and friends live by those words. /S
bunwarpgazoo Premium Member about 1 year ago
There is a poster available at Open Culture giving Superman’s own thoughts about these matters: “…and remember, boys and girls, your school – like our country – is made up of Americans of many different races, religions and national origins, so … If YOU hear anybody talk against a schoolmate or anyone else because of his religion, race or national origin – don’t wait: tell him THAT KIND OF TALK IS UN-AMERICAN. HELP KEEP YOUR SCHOOL ALL-AMERICAN!” I have Gene Autry’s Cowboy Code hanging on the wall at home, pretty much the same message.
halvincobbes Premium Member about 1 year ago
Looks like you got your political spectrums bass-ackwards. But it’s probably hard to see directions when your head is up your wazoo.
jackthemailman about 1 year ago
What liberal media?
Havel about 1 year ago
raybarb44 about 1 year ago
Left wins hand down in the opposite of truth, justice, and the American Way scenario….
Stat_man99 about 1 year ago
ldmulvaney73 about 1 year ago
lol. Fox lies like a rug. Must be “liberal media”. lol.
mrwiskers about 1 year ago
Now there’s a different point of view.
aussie399 Premium Member about 1 year ago
Liberal media – really dumb, and untrue, comic books