FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for February 27, 2024

  1. Dragon
    Asharah  10 months ago

    Just write and ask for another picture.

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    cracker65  10 months ago

    Her thought train derailed

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  3. Red skelton
    Daltongang Premium Member 10 months ago

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

    Page, you are an obnoxious brat.

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    ladykat  10 months ago

    Paige, you can’t stay mad at your mother forever.

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    dflak  10 months ago

    My train of thought is usually a locomotive and a caboose.

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  6. Gc icon khj
    khjalmarj  10 months ago

    I like the fact that Amend didn’t just duplicate the first panel to create #2 and #3; there are differences between them. The mark of a dedicated artist! Of course, maybe in 2003 they didn’t have copy-and-paste…I’m kidding! I used copy and paste on my black (marketed by Bell & Howell, BION) 48K Apple ][ in about 1978. Of course, I couldn’t use a mouse to do it…

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  7. Greg backlit
    mindjob  10 months ago

    At least she’s still calling her mother, instead of some foul term

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    John Jorgensen  10 months ago

    I doubt there’s much danger of that.

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    alexius23  10 months ago

    Is Mom out getting a new photo?

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  10. Unnamed3
    minty_Joe  10 months ago

    Define “crazy”.

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    Stephen Gilberg  10 months ago

    Keep it up, Page. Maybe you’ll lose your voice and become a lot more tolerable.

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    billdaviswords  10 months ago

    If she’s left it in a drawer, nothing would have happened. Sheesh.

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    Fennec! at the Disco  10 months ago

    Trust me, Paige. You’re not losing that train of thought.

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