There is no global warming, the ocean level is the same as it was 200 years ago, when the mark was made. It was colder this winter than last and the always posted a temperature 3 degrees higher than it got to and yet never changed it in the record. It is all fake to push people into serfdom and causing the death of 4 billion people from hunger, while the “elite” enjoy the private jets, private yachts, fast cars, and all the stuff that us low class people aren’t allowed.
Ubintold 9 months ago
That’s what they all say.
Carl Premium Member 9 months ago
Green for thee but not for me.
Kroykali 9 months ago
Wonder how many the teacher is following.
scyphi26 9 months ago
Yeah, that’s always how it is. People always telling other people what they should be cutting back, but rarely ever themselves.
serial232 9 months ago
There is no global warming, the ocean level is the same as it was 200 years ago, when the mark was made. It was colder this winter than last and the always posted a temperature 3 degrees higher than it got to and yet never changed it in the record. It is all fake to push people into serfdom and causing the death of 4 billion people from hunger, while the “elite” enjoy the private jets, private yachts, fast cars, and all the stuff that us low class people aren’t allowed.
Linda Schweiner Premium Member 9 months ago
She could walk to school, also.