I got gag gifts. My ex-husband got me a silk black rose, and a mug with the Grim Reaper, who was only there for the cake. I did request them, since an office mate was moaning about her 30th.
Now, if someone would make an ear hair product that would allow it to be groomed… Slick it back in a wave or something. Scratch that. Literally and figuratively.
Why do we want to fry air? Similarly, we don’t heat hot water in a hot water heater.
Dog groomers know how to grab all the ear hair and rip it out in one pull, if anyone is interested in that routine. You might have to also get shaved and brushed. All over.
FreyjaRN Premium Member 8 months ago
I got gag gifts. My ex-husband got me a silk black rose, and a mug with the Grim Reaper, who was only there for the cake. I did request them, since an office mate was moaning about her 30th.
P51Strega 8 months ago
30?! There were no air fryers and ear hair was still ~15years away.
Nuliajuk 8 months ago
I was in great shape at age 30. Decrepitude didn’t really start until age 60.
goboboyd 8 months ago
Now, if someone would make an ear hair product that would allow it to be groomed… Slick it back in a wave or something. Scratch that. Literally and figuratively.
Why do we want to fry air? Similarly, we don’t heat hot water in a hot water heater.
PlatudimusAtom Premium Member 8 months ago
Are we really sure that’s not actually a Hair Fryer, you know, for all of that unwanted ear hair …
gammaguy 8 months ago
Is ear hair friable?
Moonkey Premium Member 8 months ago
Dog groomers know how to grab all the ear hair and rip it out in one pull, if anyone is interested in that routine. You might have to also get shaved and brushed. All over.