Not true! In the domestication process cats also became much more social than their closest wild relatives, not just with humans but also with other cats.
Your pet cat is much more friendly and social than the wild cats she descended from. Really, the cat species that comes closest is lions.
Yes, that’s right. Our little kitties were so devoted to living in our granaries with our easily-killed vermin that they basically turned themselves into lions.
Kitty Queen 9 months ago
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 9 months ago
And sounded a little more like a human baby.
phritzg Premium Member 9 months ago
Humans domesticated Dogs. Cats domesticated Humans.
ladykat 9 months ago
Teto85 Premium Member 9 months ago
Yup. The only difference between a tiger and a cat on your couch, sofa or davenport is a few hundred pounds.
Gordette 9 months ago
Love it! And so delighted by the style of drawing!
conuly 9 months ago
Not true! In the domestication process cats also became much more social than their closest wild relatives, not just with humans but also with other cats.
Your pet cat is much more friendly and social than the wild cats she descended from. Really, the cat species that comes closest is lions.
Yes, that’s right. Our little kitties were so devoted to living in our granaries with our easily-killed vermin that they basically turned themselves into lions.