See, I never got this “COVID vacation” that a lot of people got. We were both already working from home in the healthcare field. Nothing changed there. We didn’t lose our jobs or have our hours cut or anything. We never got to do the binge-watching, bread-baking, chalk-drawing that lots of other people had to do to pass the time. Not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It just is what it is.
I was a mask maker.. boy did I burn out.. one woman expected me to go out and buy lots new fabric for her to have a collection of masks. o_O I’m over here, adapting my pattern, sewing as much as possible and trying to keep people alive!
blunebottle 9 months ago
“The Office?” Give me a break!
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 9 months ago
UK Office or American Office?
Batteries 9 months ago
See, I never got this “COVID vacation” that a lot of people got. We were both already working from home in the healthcare field. Nothing changed there. We didn’t lose our jobs or have our hours cut or anything. We never got to do the binge-watching, bread-baking, chalk-drawing that lots of other people had to do to pass the time. Not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. It just is what it is.
The Legend of Brandon Sawyer 9 months ago
The writing was solid for the office, not so much parks and rec
tammyspeakslife Premium Member 9 months ago
I was a mask maker.. boy did I burn out.. one woman expected me to go out and buy lots new fabric for her to have a collection of masks. o_O I’m over here, adapting my pattern, sewing as much as possible and trying to keep people alive!
ericlscott creator 9 months ago
Both good.
willie_mctell 9 months ago
I put together a cigar box guitar kit. It’s fun to play. I took up video games.
itsacatsworld Premium Member 9 months ago
Columbo for the win.
Teto85 Premium Member 9 months ago
You could be making those rosary thingies.