Buckles, why would you do such a thing? Was something that smelled good tempt you? You’re really going to get it and spend the next several nights in the garage.
I’ve had more dogs in my life than I want to count, but never had one do this until my current was a puppy (Great Pyrenees) and went through a carpet chewing phase.
Contrary to what Flea said, I believe that fear is necessary to evoke respect. Fear, in the case I’m arguing for, can stem from not wanting to disappoint someone or subvert his expectations negatively.
The reason one would fear to disappoint this person is because he has demonstrated good qualities as a leader, mentor, friend, fraternal, or parental figure. To let someone so close would be saddening for both parties.
However, in Flea’s case, fear of punishment, but not of disappointing Jill, is what drives Buckles to respect her. His reason is selfish, as he is only worried about his own well-being, rather than the gravity of his careless actions.
It wasn’t me. Someone broke in and started to steal your carpet, and I, the good dog, scared him away before he could do any more damage. (Woof, woof.)
dadthedawg Premium Member 9 months ago
Jill’s going to wish she had a dog, instead of a beaver…..
Macushlalondra 9 months ago
Buckles is in so much trouble! This is the worst yet.
iggyman 9 months ago
“You in a heap of trouble, Boy!”
saylorgirl 9 months ago
Buckles, why would you do such a thing? Was something that smelled good tempt you? You’re really going to get it and spend the next several nights in the garage.
Just-me 9 months ago
Buckles, that is how you wind up being a permanently exiled to the back yard pet.
exness Premium Member 9 months ago
I’ve had more dogs in my life than I want to count, but never had one do this until my current was a puppy (Great Pyrenees) and went through a carpet chewing phase.
CaveCat87 9 months ago
So all it takes is a theoretical comment to get Buckles to realize what he did.
Blu Bunny 9 months ago
It needed to be replaced anyhow, right Buckles!
Joseph comicinthestrip 9 months ago
Contrary to what Flea said, I believe that fear is necessary to evoke respect. Fear, in the case I’m arguing for, can stem from not wanting to disappoint someone or subvert his expectations negatively.
The reason one would fear to disappoint this person is because he has demonstrated good qualities as a leader, mentor, friend, fraternal, or parental figure. To let someone so close would be saddening for both parties.
However, in Flea’s case, fear of punishment, but not of disappointing Jill, is what drives Buckles to respect her. His reason is selfish, as he is only worried about his own well-being, rather than the gravity of his careless actions.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member 9 months ago
Well that’s one dog that wouldn’t have run of the house when the owners weren’t there. Called a crate or kennel.
stepzla 9 months ago
Now I know what happened to one of my rugs…
bwswolf 9 months ago
Better put your dog bed over that hole …… then go hide ……. ;)
Csaw Backnforth 9 months ago
It wasn’t me. Someone broke in and started to steal your carpet, and I, the good dog, scared him away before he could do any more damage. (Woof, woof.)