Amanda the Great by Amanda El-Dweek for April 01, 2024

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    seanfear  9 months ago

    ah – those days (and they still substitute without informing the recipient, where I am at least)

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    some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 9 months ago

    Substitutions matter for various dietary requirements.

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    arolarson Premium Member 9 months ago

    Our grocery called when that happened. It was the picker who was standing by the shelf where they could read off the other choices. But it might have been because it was a gluten free item that they were being so considerate about…which just occurred to me as I was typing.

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    azkfwecho Premium Member 9 months ago

    Even when I checked “no substitutions” they still gave me substitutions. Case in point, I ordered a quart of Shamrock half and half and said “no substitutions” if they didn’t have the quart size. I didn’t want 2 pints, I wanted a quart. Two pints was more expensive. But, they gave me 2 pints instead. And this kind of thing happened a couple of more times, so I gave up and just started living dangerously. And I still have never had COVID.

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    azkfwecho Premium Member 9 months ago

    I’m with you, Mandy, on the brand thing. I want what I want. And I would never trust anyone else to pick out produce for me. Just gotta go in and get your own stuff so you can get what you want.

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    Mike Baldwin creator 9 months ago

    Brings back memories! Auuhhh, the good old days! Cough, cough, gag, gag, silence.

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    ChattyFran  9 months ago

    I never liked the idea of someone else picking out my groceries. Too many variables, especially in fresh produce. I just got the vaccines, masked up, and tried to be quick about shopping.

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    Chris Sherlock  9 months ago

    My grocery doesn’t always do a good job of substituting for me. I wish, if something I want isn’t available, they would just leave the item off and try not to substitute for it.

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    al-wenzel  9 months ago

    We are lucky enough to have Wegmans, where you are in immediate contact with your shopper. They will even send you photos of the shelf if your specific item is out of stock (plus, their store brand items are awesome). It’s so convenient, and their shoppers are so good, I do it to this day. It saves SO MUCH TIME and it actually saves us money (we do pickup rather than delivery) because we aren’t wandering around doing all the impulse shopping!

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    Teto85 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Two stores up here deliver. When they don’t have what we want we do make a quick check and end up going to a specialty store most of the time. And forget about asking Costco to deliver.

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    kate98 Premium Member 9 months ago

    Youre talking about whole foods. As an insider … guess what, the shoppers actually MUST suggest a replacement unless you have do not replace. The system suggests often bizzzzzzare replacements. Pork loin to replace lamb chops for example. Uh no. So, when youre shopping DO LOOK at replacement options. If you see one thats okay, select itso the shopper is given your pref. If you do not, definitely select do not replace. Trust me. The shoppers try, but wfm suggests shoppers find a $ equivalent NOT a food comparable. Also, just to get this off my chest, if you order 3 of an item (3 pints of Monmouth Farms Ice Cream, Lemon Custard perhaps), if they only have 2, the shopper MUST offer you 3 of something else or give you nothing. The system refuses just 2.

    Outrageous. But true. The shoppers want to do right by you, but are bound by wfm official policy which i would argue is not custo friendly. That said, it keeps those shoppers movin’.

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