Now ask him is he actively dating Nicole and Crystal at the same time, because that’s what it sounds like. He said he broke up with Crystal to marry Nicole, not just date her.
Now we just need Marcus reacting to one of his former teammates making a completely offensive speech at a college graduation (we’ll get there as the lead time on comics is about a month). I’m just waiting for the announcement that the idiot kicker is getting a 10-minute block at the Republican Convention, but if he doesn’t go early, he’ll just sound exactly like every other Republican politician which is why mocking him is the dumb move. He doesn’t get a Congressional vote, but all the Republicans that do think exactly like him. Vote Blue or be a 3rd class citizen, women.
Notaspy 7 months ago
If Marcus had stayed with the Eagles a few years longer, they might have beat that other superstar’s team
Rhetorical_Question 7 months ago
Crystal Echo?
crookedwolf Premium Member 7 months ago
I don’t want to Google you-know-who’s real name, if there is one..
Ellis97 7 months ago
Just ask Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce.
Just_Karl 7 months ago
Anyone remember Jessica Simpson / Tony Romo?
mysterysciencefreezer 7 months ago
Sometimes Marcus comes across as stunningly clueless.
360guy Premium Member 7 months ago
Did Crystal pick up the dinner tab?
The Wolf In Your Midst 7 months ago
It’d be nobody’s business, of course, but fans seem to feel like they have some sort of ownership over the celebrities they’re fans of.
joannesshadow 7 months ago
Robb didn’t have to stretch too far to write this.
sueb1863 7 months ago
Now ask him is he actively dating Nicole and Crystal at the same time, because that’s what it sounds like. He said he broke up with Crystal to marry Nicole, not just date her.
christelisbetty 7 months ago
Too bad they spelled Christel wrong. (-8
markkahler52 7 months ago
Just like Marylin and Joe ….
StoicLion1973 7 months ago
Marcus’ humility is the most heartwarming part of this strip. He is truly a good guy.
smartman 7 months ago
Now we just need Marcus reacting to one of his former teammates making a completely offensive speech at a college graduation (we’ll get there as the lead time on comics is about a month). I’m just waiting for the announcement that the idiot kicker is getting a 10-minute block at the Republican Convention, but if he doesn’t go early, he’ll just sound exactly like every other Republican politician which is why mocking him is the dumb move. He doesn’t get a Congressional vote, but all the Republicans that do think exactly like him. Vote Blue or be a 3rd class citizen, women.
pamela welch Premium Member 7 months ago
Good one, Robb — LOLOL