Never could figure out the advantage of single ply. You just end up using twice as much. Did a cursory check online and in the same brand, single ply was 10 cents per 100 sheets where two ply was 14 cents per 100 sheets. Doubling the single ply gets you to 20 cents per 100 Vs 14 cents for two ply. You end up losing money with single ply.
BE THIS GUY 8 months ago
Is he going to cut the toilet rolls in half?
carlosrivers 8 months ago
He allows people to use the rest rooms?
biz.gocomics 8 months ago
Very bad (but slightly gullible) man…
bobbyferrel 8 months ago
Never could figure out the advantage of single ply. You just end up using twice as much. Did a cursory check online and in the same brand, single ply was 10 cents per 100 sheets where two ply was 14 cents per 100 sheets. Doubling the single ply gets you to 20 cents per 100 Vs 14 cents for two ply. You end up losing money with single ply.
OK. I’ll go back to my cave now and count sand.
christelisbetty 8 months ago
Why oh why, do they have any customers ?